Development of a new discrimination method of single fibers based on refractive index using dispersion staining (2023)
A novel refractometry of single fibers for forensic discrimination using dispersion staining (8th Asian Spectroscopy Conference 2023 2023)
Forensic application of vibrational spectroscopy (2022)
Development of a micro-spectroscopic system for single fibers (The Annual Meeting of the Spectroscopical Society of Japan 2020)
Development of micro-polarization absorption spectrum measurement system for single fibers (2019)
カエンタケ毒の分析 (日本法中毒学会第38年会 2019)
Degradation and diffusion of phosphorus-containing amino acid herbicides in soil (2018)
Simultaneous measurement of infrared and visible absorption spectra of single fibers (2018)
Rapid genotyping of Oenanthe javanica and Cicuta virosa by liquid chromatography/high-resolution mass spectrometry (2017)
Determination of phosphrus-containing amino acid herbicides in soil (2017)
Analysis of hydrochloric acid and hydrofluoric acid with infrared spectroscopy (2017)
Rapid genotyping of Oenanthe javanica and Cicuta virosa by polymerase chain reaction followed by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (65th Annual Conference of American Society for Mass Spectrometry 2017)
Screening of toxic contaminants in complex food matrices (2016)
GABA-R阻害型セスキテルペン系痙攣神経毒の分析 (日本法中毒学会第35年会 2016)
Analysis of various forensic samples using the latest Raman microscope (2015)
科学捜査における分光分析 (第4回分光イノベーションシンポジウム 2015)
Development of a rapid screening method for glyphosate (2014)
Direct analysis of single fibers retrieved by pressure adhesive tape using micro-confocal Raman micrometry (2014)
漢方系催眠剤「抑肝散加陳皮半夏」の分析 (日本法中毒学会第33年会 2014)
Toxicological analysis of Sour Jujube Decoction (Sanso-nin-to) (2013)