J-GLOBAL ID:201901016939031196
Update date: Dec. 19, 2024 MATSUDA Norihiro
MATSUDA Norihiro
Affiliation and department: Research field (1):
Nuclear engineering
Research keywords (3):
, Radiation shielding
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3): - 2016 - 2020 γ線多重層ビルドアップ係数表示式の系統的パラメータ推定に関する研究
- 2009 - 2012 超高エネルギー粒子の挙動と照射効果に関する実験的研究(JASMIN)
- 2007 - 2009 高エネルギー粒子の物質内挙動に関する実験的研究
Papers (88): -
Ogawa Tatsuhiko, Hirata Yuho, Matsuya Yusuke, Kai Takeshi, Sato Tatsuhiko, Iwamoto Yosuke, Hashimoto Shintaro, Furuta Takuya, Abe Shinichiro, Matsuda Norihiro, et al. Overview of PHITS Ver.3.34 with particular focus on track-structure calculation. EPJ Nuclear Sciences \& Technologies (Internet). 2024. 10. 13\_1-13\_8
Sato Tatsuhiko, Iwamoto Yosuke, Hashimoto Shintaro, Ogawa Tatsuhiko, Furuta Takuya, Abe Shinichiro, Kai Takeshi, Matsuya Yusuke, Matsuda Norihiro, Hirata Yuho, et al. Recent improvements of the Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System; PHITS version 3.33. Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology. 2024. 61. 1. 127-135
Iwamoto Osamu, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Kunieda Satoshi, Minato Futoshi, Nakayama Shinsuke, Kimura Atsushi, Nakamura Shoji, Endo Shunsuke, Nagaya Yasunobu, Tada Kenichi, et al. General-purpose nuclear data library JENDL-5 and to the next. EPJ Web of Conferences. 2023. 284. 14001\_1-14001\_7
Iwamoto Osamu, Iwamoto Nobuyuki, Kunieda Satoshi, Minato Futoshi, Nakayama Shinsuke, Abe Yutaka*, Tsubakihara Kosuke*, Okumura Shin*, Ishizuka Chikako*, Yoshida Tadashi*, et al. Japanese Evaluated Nuclear Data Library version 5; JENDL-5. Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology. 2023. 60. 1. 1-60
Yosuke Iwamoto, Shintaro Hashimoto, Tatsuhiko Sato, Norihiro Matsuda, Satoshi Kunieda, Yurdunaz Celik, Naoya Furutachi, Koji Niita. Benchmark study of particle and heavy-ion transport code system using shielding integral benchmark archive and database for accelerator-shielding experiments. JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 2022. 59. 5. 665-675
more... MISC (66): -
松田規宏, 今野力, 池原正, 奥村啓介, 須山賢也. Development of inventory calculation modules using ORIGEN-S for decommissioning. 日本原子力研究開発機構JAEA-Data/Code(Web). 2020. 2020-003
- Hiroko Yoshida-Ohuchi, Norihiro Matsuda, Kimiaki Saito. Review of reduction factors by buildings for gamma radiation from radiocaesium deposited on the ground due to fallout. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity. 2019. 210
- 佐藤達彦, 岩元洋介, 橋本慎太郎, 小川達彦, 古田琢哉, 安部晋一郎, 甲斐健師, TSAI Pi-En, 松田規宏, 岩瀬広, et al. PHITSコード開発の現状. 日本原子力学会春の年会予稿集(CD-ROM). 2019. 2019
- Matsuda, Norihiro, Kunieda, Satoshi, Okamoto, Tsutomu, Tada, Kenichi, Konno, Chikara. ACE library of JENDL-4.0/HE. Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology (Internet). 2019. 6. 225-229
Matsuda Norihiro, Onishi Seiki*, Sakamoto Yukio*, Nobuhara Fumiyoshi*. Review of $\gamma$-ray exposure buildup factors. Heisei 29-Nendo Kani Shahei Kaiseki Kodo Rebyu Wakingu Gurupu Katsudo Hokokusho (Internet). 2018. 20-28
more... Lectures and oral presentations (85): -
Investigation on distribution of radioactive substances in Fukushima, 17; Characteristics of radiation detection device for sawmill line
The Activity Report of review working group for simple radiation shielding "V\&V activity with benchmark experiment of Mutsu"
Characteristics of a radiation screening device for lumber evaluated by Monte Carlo simulation
Recent updates and shielding benchmark of PHITS
(15th Workshop on Shielding aspects of Accelerators, Targets, and Irradiation Facilities (SATIF-15))
Recent development of the PHITS code
more... Education (2): - 1999 - 2001 武蔵工業大学大学院 工学研究部 原子力工学科
- 1995 - 1999 武蔵工業大学 工学科 機械工学科
Work history (6): Awards (3): - 2019/03 - JNST Most Popular Article Award Benchmark study of the recent version of the PHITS code
- 2015/03 - JNST Most Popular Article Award Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System, PHITS, version2.52
- 2014/03 - 日本原子力学会 第46回日本原子力学会賞 特賞・技術賞 粒子・重イオン輸送計算コードPHITS
Association Membership(s) (1):
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