J-GLOBAL ID:201901020001807320
Update date: Sep. 03, 2024 Ogasawara Fumihiko
オガサワラフミヒコ | Ogasawara Fumihiko
Lectures and oral presentations (27)
C-terminus of ABCA1 separately regulates cholesterol-flopping activity and HDL-generating activity
(2021) -
(第62回日本脂質生化学会 2020) -
Two ATP binding and hydrolysis are coupled with transpoort by multidrug transporter P-glycoprotein (ABCB1)
(第92回日本生化学会大会 2019) -
Physiological importance of cholesterol transport byABCA1
(第92回日本生化学会大会 2019) -
(第14回トランスポーター研究会 2019) -
(第61回日本脂質生化学会 2019) -
Live cell analysis of the role of ATP in the conformational changes of human multidrug transporter MDR1(ABCB1)
(The 91st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Biochemical Society 2018) -
Detection of cholesterol flop activity of ABCA1 by using streptolysin O, cholesterol-dependent cytolysin
(International Conference on the Bioscience of Lipids 2018) -
Temporary sequestration of cholesterol and phosphatidylcholine within extracellular domains of ABCA1 during nascent HDL generation
(International Conference on the Bioscience of Lipids 2018) -
(第13回トランスポーター研究会年会 2018) -
コレステロール結合性細菌毒素 ストレプトリジンOを用いた ABCA1によるコレステロール輸送の証明
(第60回日本脂質生化学会 2018) -
HDL generation by ABCA1 is dependent on cholesterol concentration in the plasma membrane
(日本農芸化学会 2018年度大会 2018) -
The role of ATP in the conformational changes of human multidrug transporter MDR1(ABCB1)
(日本農芸化学会2018年度名古屋大会 2018) -
Functional analysis of ABCA1 by using streptolysin O, cholesterol-dependent cytolysin
(ConBio2017 2017) -
Kinetic analysis of lipid efflux mechanism mediated by ABCA1 and apoA-I
(ConBio2017 2017) -
Analysis of conformational changes of multidrug transporter MDR1(ABCB1) by intramolecular FRET
(ConBio2017 2017) -
(日本農芸化学会 関西・中四国・ 西日本支部 2017年度 合同大阪大会 2017) -
Analysis of conformational change of multidrug transporter MDR1(ABCB1) mutants by intramolecular FRET
(日本農芸化学会 関西・中四国・ 西日本支部 2017年度 合同大阪大会 2017) -
ABCA1, ABCB4, ABCG1 and ABCG4 flop cholesterol in the plasma membrane
(7th FEBS special meeting “ATP-Binding Cassette (ABC) Proteins: From Multidrug Resistance to Genetic Diseases” 2017) -
Live cell analysis of the conformational changes in human multidrug transporter MDR1
(7th FEBS special meeting “ATP-Binding Cassette (ABC) Proteins: From Multidrug Resistance to Genetic Diseases” 2017)
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