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Co-authoring Researcher

  • Oka Shinichiro
    Reiwa Health Sciences University Department of Physical Therapy, School of Rehabilitation
    Motor development, Cordination, Somato-autonomic nerve reflex, Neurorehabilitation, transcranial electorical stimulation, Sensory Reweighting, Postural Control, Vestibular function
  • shimoda takeyoshi
    International University of Health and Welfare School of Health Sciences at Fukuoka Department of Physical Therapy
    パラスポーツ, 体温調節, 脊髄損傷, 身体組成, フィジカルテスト, 車いす, 超音波検査, 電気刺激療法, 運動生理学, 理学療法
  • kurosawa kazuo
    医療法人久幸会 川口きゅうぽらリハビリテーション病院
    プロ-ブ反応時間, Physical Therapy Education, Orthopaedic Physical Therapy, reaction time

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Article(J-GLOBAL estimation)

Patent(J-GLOBAL estimation)

J-GLOBAL ID:201901020313791579   Update date: Oct. 17, 2024

Yoshiharu Nagai

Yoshiharu Nagai
Affiliation and department:
Job title: 准教授
Research field  (2): Nutrition and health science ,  Rehabilitation science
Research keywords  (3): 動作解析 ,  理学療法 ,  運動学
Papers (71):
  • Hideo Kaneko, Akari Suzuki, Yoshiharu Nagai, Jun Horie. Differences in cough strength, respiratory function, and physical performance in older adults with and without low swallowing function in the repetitive saliva swallowing test. Journal of Physical Therapy Science. 2024. 36. 5. 273-277
  • Preoperative Predictors Associated with Subjective Quality of Life after Unilateral Total Hip Arthroplasty. 2022. 37. 3. 329-333
  • 梅田 泰光, 永井 良治, 中原 雅美. 片側人工膝関節全置換術後の反対側膝関節における疼痛に関連する術前予測因子の検討. 理学療法科学. 2021. 36. 3. 447-451
  • Yasumitsu Umeda, Yoshiharu Nagai, Masami Nakahara. Preoperative predictors associated with pain in the contralateral knee joint after unilateral total knee arthroplasty. Rigakuryoho Kagaku. 2021. 36. 3. 447-451
  • Zhen LIU, Hiroshi KOBAYASHI, Yoshiharu NAGAI, Masaharu MORITA. Influence of Stepping Movements on Dynamic Balance When Wearing the Hip Flexion Auxiliary Model “Muscle Suit”. Rigakuryoho Kagaku. 2020. 35. 4. 501-504
MISC (47):
Books (3):
  • 義肢装具学テキスト改訂第3版
    南江堂 2018
  • 医療福祉をつなぐ関連職種連携
    南江堂 2013
  • 変形性股関節症は自分の骨で治そう
    メデイカ出版 2008
Professional career (1):
  • 博士(保健学) (鹿児島大学)
Awards (1):
  • 2004/03 - 第14回理学療法ジャーナル賞 奨励賞 部分荷重歩行の関節合力変化
Association Membership(s) (2):
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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