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J-GLOBAL ID:202001011804413071 Update date: Dec. 10, 2024

Tanaka Mari

タナカ マリ | Tanaka Mari

Papers (22)

  • Shoko Aoki, Kazumasa Yamagishi, Kotatsu Maruyama, Ai Ikeda, Masanori Nagao, Hiroyuki Noda, Mitsumasa Umesawa, Mina Hayama-Terada, Isao Muraki, Chika Okada, et al. Mushroom intake and risk of incident disabling dementia: The Circulatory Risk in Communities Study (CIRCS). The British journal of nutrition. 2024. 1-25
  • 李 嘉き, 今野 弘規, 山岸 良匡, 梅澤 光政, 村木 功, 田中 麻理, 木原 朋未, 羽山 実奈, 大平 哲也, 清水 悠路, et al. 地域住民における非空腹時・空腹時中性脂肪値と糖尿病発症との関連 CIRCS. Journal of Epidemiology. 2024. 34. Suppl. 99-99
  • 田中 麻理, 今野 弘規, 査 凌, 服部 聡, 大野 ゆう子, 祖父江 友孝. 福島第一原子力発電所事故後の避難生活における生活習慣の変化. Journal of Epidemiology. 2024. 34. Suppl. 100-100
  • Jia-Yi Dong, Hiroyasu Iso, Isao Muraki, Mari Tanaka, Hironori Imano. Timing of clinic visits after health checks and risk of hospitalization for cardiovascular events and all-cause death among the high-risk population. Atherosclerosis. 2023. 388. 117409-117409
  • 田中 麻理, 今野 弘規, 北村 明彦, 村木 功, 白井 こころ, 山岸 良匡, 清水 悠路, 岡田 武夫, 木山 昌彦, 羽山 実奈, et al. 中年期・前期高齢期の健診所見と将来の自立度低下との関連. 日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集. 2023. 82回. 273-273
  • 田中 麻理, 今野 弘規, 北村 明彦, 村木 功, 白井 こころ, 山岸 良匡, 清水 悠路, 岡田 武夫, 木山 昌彦, 羽山 実奈, et al. 中年期・前期高齢期の健診所見と将来の自立度低下との関連. 日本公衆衛生学会総会抄録集. 2023. 82回. 273-273
  • 絹田 皆子, 今野 弘規, 董 加毅, 田中 麻理, 坂庭 嶺人, 岸田 里恵, 磯 博康, 祖父江 友孝. 人口動態調査の二次利用提供データを用いたICD-10小分類相当別の心疾患死亡率に関する長期的動向の県間比較における課題点について. 厚生の指標. 2023. 70. 7. 31-37
  • Saki Teramura, Kazumasa Yamagishi, Mitsumasa Umesawa, Mina Hayama-Terada, Isao Muraki, Koutatsu Maruyama, Mari Tanaka, Rie Kishida, Tomomi Kihara, Midori Takada, et al. Risk Factors for Hyperuricemia or Gout in Men and Women: The Circulatory Risk in Communities Study (CIRCS). Journal of atherosclerosis and thrombosis. 2023
  • 絹田 皆子, 今野 弘規, 董 加毅, 田中 麻理, 坂庭 嶺人, 岸田 里恵, 磯 博康, 祖父江 友孝. 人口動態調査の二次利用提供データを用いたICD-10小分類相当別の心疾患死亡率に関する長期的動向の県間比較における課題点について. 厚生の指標. 2023. in press
  • Keisuke Onuki, Ai Ikeda, Isao Muraki, Mari Tanaka, Kazumasa Yamagishi, Masahiko Kiyama, Takeo Okada, Yasuhiko Kubota, Hironori Imano, Akihiko Kitamura, et al. Nocturnal Intermittent Hypoxia and the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease among Japanese Populations: The Circulatory Risk in Communities Study (CIRCS). Journal of atherosclerosis and thrombosis. 2023
  • Ishihara M, Imano H, Muraki I, Yamagishi K, Maruyama K, Hayama-Terada M, Tanaka M, Yasuoka M, Kihara T, Kiyama M, et al. Relationships of habitual daily alcohol consumption with all-day and time-specific average glucose levels among non-diabetic population samples. Environmental health and preventive medicine. 2023. in press. 20-20
  • Mari Tanaka, Hironori Imano, Mina Hayama-Terada, Isao Muraki, Kokoro Shirai, Kazumasa Yamagishi, Takeo Okada, Masahiko Kiyama, Akihiko Kitamura, Yoshihiro Takayama, et al. Sex- and age-specific impacts of smoking, overweight/obesity, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus in the development of disabling dementia in a Japanese population. Environmental health and preventive medicine. 2023. 28. 11-11
  • Jiaqi Li, Hironori Imano, Akihiko Kitamura, Masahiko Kiyama, Kazumasa Yamagishi, Mari Tanaka, Tetsuya Ohira, Tomoko Sankai, Mitsumasa Umesawa, Isao Muraki, et al. Trends in the incidence of stroke and its subtypes from 1963 to 2018 in Japanese urban and rural communities: The Circulatory Risk in Communities Study (CIRCS). International journal of stroke : official journal of the International Stroke Society. 2022. 17474930221135531-17474930221135531
  • Saki Teramura, Tomoko Sankai, Kazumasa Yamagishi, Mitsumasa Umesawa, Mina Hayama-Terada, Isao Muraki, Mari Tanaka, Tomomi Kihara, Tetsuya Ohira, Hironori Imano, et al. Changes in cardiovascular disease risk factors during menopausal transition in Japanese women: the Circulatory Risk in Communities Study (CIRCS). Menopause (New York, N.Y.). 2022. 30. 1. 88-94
  • Shoko Aoki, Kazumasa Yamagishi, Tomomi Kihara, Mari Tanaka, Hironori Imano, Isao Muraki, Yuji Shimizu, Mina Hayama-Terada, Mitsumasa Umesawa, Tomoko Sankai, et al. Risk factors for pre-heart failure or symptomatic heart failure based on NT-proBNP. ESC heart failure. 2022. 10. 1. 90-99
  • Rie Kishida, Kazumasa Yamagishi, Koutatsu Maruyama, Chika Okada, Mari Tanaka, Ai Ikeda, Mina Hayama-Terada, Yuji Shimizu, Isao Muraki, Mitsumasa Umesawa, et al. Dietary intake of beans and risk of disabling dementia: The Circulatory Risk in Communities Study (CIRCS). European journal of clinical nutrition. 2022. 77. 1. 65-70
  • Takumi Matsumura, Tomoko Sankai, Kazumasa Yamagishi, Mari Tanaka, Yasuhiko Kubota, Mina Hayama-Terada, Yuji Shimizu, Isao Muraki, Mitsumasa Umesawa, Renzhe Cui, et al. Trends for the Association between Body Mass Index and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease among the Japanese Population: The Circulatory Risk in Communities Study (CIRCS). Journal of atherosclerosis and thrombosis. 2022. 30. 4. 335-347
  • Hironori Imano, Jiaqi Li, Mari Tanaka, Kazumasa Yamagishi, Isao Muraki, Mitsumasa Umesawa, Masahiko Kiyama, Akihiko Kitamura, Shinichi Sato, Hiroyasu Iso. Optimal Cut-off Points of Nonfasting and Fasting Triglycerides for Prediction of Ischemic Heart Disease in Japanese General Population: The Circulatory Risk in Communities Study (CIRCS). Journal of atherosclerosis and thrombosis. 2022. 30. 2. 110-130
  • Jiaqi Li, Hironori Imano, Akihiko Kitamura, Masahiko Kiyama, Kazumasa Yamagishi, Mari Tanaka, Tetsuya Ohira, Tomoko Sankai, Mitsumasa Umesawa, Isao Muraki, et al. Retinal microvascular abnormalities and risks of incident stroke and its subtypes: The Circulatory Risk in Communities Study. Journal of hypertension. 2022. 40. 4. 732-740
  • Jiaqi Li, Hironori Imano, Kazumasa Yamagishi, Mari Tanaka, Renzhe Cui, Isao Muraki, Mitsumasa Umesawa, Mina Hayama-Terada, Tetsuya Ohira, Masahiko Kiyama, et al. Leukocyte Count and Risks of Stroke and Coronary Heart Disease: The Circulatory Risk in Communities Study (CIRCS). Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis. 2022. 29. 4. 527-535

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