Subhani W. Ranasinghe, Kanae Nishii, Michael Möller, Hannah J. Atkins, John L. Clark, Mathieu Perret, Abdulrokhman Kartonegoro, Lian-Ming Gao, David J. Middleton, Richard I. Milne. Biogeographic history of the pantropical family Gesneriaceae with a focus on the Indian plate and diversification through the Old World. Frontiers of Biogeography. 2024. 16. 2. e61637
Flávia Fonseca Pezzini, Giada Ferrari, Laura L. Forrest, Michelle L. Hart, Kanae Nishii, Catherine A. Kidner. Target capture and genome skimming for plant diversity studies. Applications in Plant Sciences. 2023. 11. 4. e11537
Michael Möller, Nathan Kelso, Kanae Nishii. Meiotic behavior and postmeiotic pollen formation in the F1 hybrid Streptocarpus grandis×S. rexii (Gesneriaceae) and its parents. CYTOLOGIA. 2023. 88. 2. 95-103
Kanae Nishii. High molecular weight plant DNA extraction for PacBio HiFi sequencing. 2023
Kanae Nishii, Michael Möller, Robert G. Foster, Laura L. Forrest, Nathan Kelso, Sadie Barber, Caroline Howard, Michelle L. Hart. A high quality, high molecular weight DNA extraction method for PacBio HiFi genome sequencing of recalcitrant plants. Plant Methods. 2023. 19. 1. 41
Kanae Nishii, Michael Moeller, Nathan Kelso, Hazel France, Sadie Barber, Yoriko Hayashi, Kotaro Ishii, Tomoko Abe. Irradiation of seeds with C-ion and Ar-ion beams for Streptocarpus mutagenesis to understand leaf meristem genetics. RIKEN Accelerator Progress Report. 2023. 56. 191-192
Kanae Nishii. High Molecular Weight DNA extraction for long-read sequencing v.1. 2022
Kanae Nishii. Plant contig clustering based assembly (PLCL) pipeline: an efficient long-read assembly tool for plant chloroplast and mitochondrial genomes. 2022
Kanae Nishii, Michelle Hart, Nathan Kelso, Sadie Barber, Yun-Yu Chen, Marian Thomson, Urmi Trivedi, Alex D. Twyford, Michael Möller. The first genome for the Cape Primrose Streptocarpus rexii (Gesneriaceae), a model plant for studying meristem-driven shoot diversity. Plant Direct. 2022. 6. 4. e388
Hannah J. Atkins, Gemma L.C. Bramley, Kanae Nishii, Michael Möller, Jay E. C. Olivar, Abdulrokhman Kartonegoro, Mark Hughes. Sectional polyphyly and morphological homoplasy in Southeast Asian Cyrtandra (Gesneriaceae): consequences for the taxonomy of a mega-diverse genus. Plant Systematics and Evolution. 2021. 307. 6. 60
Kanae Nishii, Michael Möller, Hidetoshi Iida. Mix and match: Patchwork domain evolution of the land plant-specific Ca2+-permeable mechanosensitive channel MCA. PLOS ONE. 2021. 16. 4. e0249735-e0249735
Ezgi Ogutcen, Camille Christe, Kanae Nishii, Nicolas Salamin, Michael Möller, Mathieu Perret. Phylogenomics of Gesneriaceae using targeted capture of nuclear genes. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 2021. 157. 107068-107068
Kanae Nishii. R editing of HMMSEARCH output: heatmap with associated with gene tree and protein illustration. 2021
Kanae Nishii, Yue Fei, Andrew Hudson, Michael Möller, Attila Molnar. Virus-induced Gene Silencing in Streptocarpus rexii (Gesneriaceae). MOLECULAR BIOTECHNOLOGY. 2020. 62. 6-7. 317-325
Yun-Yu Chen, Kanae Nishii, Catherine Kidner, Christine Anne Hackett, Michael Moller. QTL dissection of floral traits in Streptocarpus (Gesneriaceae). EUPHYTICA. 2020. 216. 7. 110
Nishii K., Spada A., M. Möller. Hormonal crosstalk in the regulation of meristem activity and the phyllomorph architecture in Streptocarpus (Gesneriaceae): a review. Rheedea. 2020. 30. 1. 96-96
Hannah J. Atkins, Gemma L.C. Bramley, Melissa A. Johnson, Abdulrokhman Kartonegoro, Kanae Nishii, Goro Kokubugata, Michael Moeller, Mark Hughes. A molecular phylogeny of Southeast Asian Cyrtandra (Gesneriaceae) supports an emerging paradigm for Malesian plant biogeography. Frontiers of Biogeography. 2020. 12. 1
K. Nishii, G. Kokubugata, M. Möller, H. J. Atkins. Notes on Cyrtandra (Gesneriaceae) from Japan, Taiwan and Batan island (Philippines). Edinburgh Journal of Botany. 2019. 76. 3. 333-344
B.-H. Huang, K. Nishii, C.-N. Wang, M. Möller. Quantitative assessment of anisocotyly in Heberlea rhodopensis and Ramonda myconi. Edinburgh Journal of Botany. 2019. 76. 3. 377-391
Javier A. Luna, James E. Richardson, Kanae Nishii, John L. Clark, Michael Moller. The Family Placement of Cyrtandromoea. SYSTEMATIC BOTANY. 2019. 44. 3. 616-630