Development of thyroid dose monitoring system using gamma-ray spectrometers; Fabrication of the monitor and development of the measurement procedure (日本原子力学会2020年春の年会)
Development of the portable thyroid dose monitoring system (令和元年度安全研究センター報告会)
Development of a thyroid dose monitoring system using gamma-ray spectrometers (5th Asian Radiation Dosimetry Group Annual Meeting (ARADOS-5))
Development of thyroid dose monitoring system using $\gamma$-ray spectrometers, 4; Fabrication and characteristic test of the prototype monitor (日本原子力学会2019年春の年会)
Conceptual design of a portable thyroid dose monitoring system using gamma-ray spectrometers (4th Asian Radiation Dosimetry Group Annual Meeting)
Contamination at Plutonium Fuel Research Facility of Oarai Research and Development Center, 5; Exposure Dose Evaluation (日本保健物理学会第51回研究発表会)
Conceptual design of thyroid dose monitoring system using $\gamma$-ray spectrometers (5th European IRPA Congress (IRPA 2018))
Characteristics of spectrometer and shield for portable thyroid dose monitoring system in high dose rate environment (5th Asian and Oceanic Regional Congress on Radiation Protection (AOCRP-5))
A New method to evaluate radioiodine activity in thyroid by the spectroscopy measurements using a simplified phantom incorporated with simulations (5th Asian and Oceanic Regional Congress on Radiation Protection (AOCRP-5))
Development of thyroid dose monitoring system using $\gamma$-ray spectrometers, 2; Optimization of detectors and radiation shield (日本原子力学会2018年春の年会)
Development of thyroid dose monitoring system using $\gamma$-ray spectrometers, 3; A Method to quantify radioiodine in thyroid for a newly developed thyroid monitoring system (日本原子力学会2018年春の年会)
Development of thyroid dose monitoring system using $\gamma$-ray spectrometers, 1; Conceptual design of the system (日本原子力学会2018年春の年会)
The EURADOS inter-comparison study on the Monte Carlo simulation of in-vivo counting for internal dosimetry (日本保健物理学会第46回研究発表会)
Thyroid monitoring using NaI survey meter for emergency workers on the accident at Fukushima Dai-ichi NPP (日本保健物理学会第46回研究発表会)
EURADOS Intercomparison on in vivo counting (第18回EGS研究会)
Influence of radionuclide distributions in human bodies on whole-body counting (Joint International Conference of 7th Supercomputing in Nuclear Application and 3rd Monte Carlo (SNA + MC 2010))
EURADOS Inter-comparison on the usage of Monte Carlo simulations in vivo counting (日本原子力学会2010年秋の大会)
Evaluation of effective dose on the ICRP new Human Alimentary Tract Model using the IMBA code (日本保健物理学会第43回研究発表会)
Dose evaluation on the ICRP new human alimentary tract model using the IMBA code (日本原子力学会2009年春の年会)
Development of whole-body counting calibration method using voxel phantoms adjusted to ICRP reference individual (日本放射線安全管理学会第7回学術大会)