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Article(J-GLOBAL estimation)

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J-GLOBAL ID:202101000165355842 Update date: Nov. 08, 2022

Takahashi Masa

タカハシ マサ | Takahashi Masa

Lectures and oral presentations (23)

  • Development of thyroid dose monitoring system using gamma-ray spectrometers; Fabrication of the monitor and development of the measurement procedure
  • Development of the portable thyroid dose monitoring system
  • Development of a thyroid dose monitoring system using gamma-ray spectrometers
    (5th Asian Radiation Dosimetry Group Annual Meeting (ARADOS-5))
  • Development of thyroid dose monitoring system using $\gamma$-ray spectrometers, 4; Fabrication and characteristic test of the prototype monitor
  • Conceptual design of a portable thyroid dose monitoring system using gamma-ray spectrometers
    (4th Asian Radiation Dosimetry Group Annual Meeting)
  • Contamination at Plutonium Fuel Research Facility of Oarai Research and Development Center, 5; Exposure Dose Evaluation
  • Conceptual design of thyroid dose monitoring system using $\gamma$-ray spectrometers
    (5th European IRPA Congress (IRPA 2018))
  • Characteristics of spectrometer and shield for portable thyroid dose monitoring system in high dose rate environment
    (5th Asian and Oceanic Regional Congress on Radiation Protection (AOCRP-5))
  • A New method to evaluate radioiodine activity in thyroid by the spectroscopy measurements using a simplified phantom incorporated with simulations
    (5th Asian and Oceanic Regional Congress on Radiation Protection (AOCRP-5))
  • Development of thyroid dose monitoring system using $\gamma$-ray spectrometers, 2; Optimization of detectors and radiation shield
  • Development of thyroid dose monitoring system using $\gamma$-ray spectrometers, 3; A Method to quantify radioiodine in thyroid for a newly developed thyroid monitoring system
  • Development of thyroid dose monitoring system using $\gamma$-ray spectrometers, 1; Conceptual design of the system
  • The EURADOS inter-comparison study on the Monte Carlo simulation of in-vivo counting for internal dosimetry
  • Thyroid monitoring using NaI survey meter for emergency workers on the accident at Fukushima Dai-ichi NPP
  • EURADOS Intercomparison on in vivo counting
  • Influence of radionuclide distributions in human bodies on whole-body counting
    (Joint International Conference of 7th Supercomputing in Nuclear Application and 3rd Monte Carlo (SNA + MC 2010))
  • EURADOS Inter-comparison on the usage of Monte Carlo simulations in vivo counting
  • Evaluation of effective dose on the ICRP new Human Alimentary Tract Model using the IMBA code
  • Dose evaluation on the ICRP new human alimentary tract model using the IMBA code
  • Development of whole-body counting calibration method using voxel phantoms adjusted to ICRP reference individual

1 to 20 of 23 results
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