Hayashi Kenta, Nakamura Takahisa, Takagi Hisatsugu, Horie Kaoru, Nakayama Tamotsu, Hashimoto Kazuhiko, Hayashi Shoichi, Nakamura Shinji, Takenaka Shigeki, Ishizuka Nobuo, et al. Rehearsal and actual measurement of Fugen spent fuel assemblies by integrated PNAR and SINRD under the JAEA-USDOE collaboration program. Proceedings of INMM 54th Annual Meeting (CD-ROM). 2013. 10
Hamada Nobuyuki, Watanabe Junji, Higashiura Norikazu, Shime Masanori. Performance verification test on wet-blast type decontamination for the clearance. Dekomisshoningu Giho. 2012. 45. 2-9
Otani Hiroshi, Hayashi Hirokazu, Kawagoe Shinji, Hamada Nobuyuki, Nakamura Yasuyuki. Document collection of the 23rd Technical Special Committee on Fugen Decommissioning. JAEA-Review 2011-026. 2011. 41
Patents (1):
Lectures and oral presentations (3):
Measurement procedure and evaluation on the clearance at FUGEN, 4; Examination of decontamination performance for the manual decontamination device
Current status of the decommissioning of FUGEN
(OECD/NEA 48th Meeting of the Technical Advisory Group (TAG-48))
Processing method of radioactive tetrachloroethylene liquid waste