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J-GLOBAL ID:202101006327781784 Update date: Feb. 07, 2025

Miura Yuka

ミウラ ユカ | Miura Yuka

Papers (6)

  • Ryota Sakurai, Yuka Miura, Kentaro Kodama. Effect of obstacle depth and height on step-over behavior: Focus on age-related changes. Human Movement Science. 2025. 99. 103323-103323
  • Ryota Sakurai, Yuka Miura, Kentaro Kodama, Masahiro Fujimoto. Effect of auditory deprivation on adaptive locomotion: Interaction with lower visual field occlusion. Behavioural Brain Research. 2023. 455. 114671-114671
  • Yuka Miura, Kohei Yoshimoto, Masahiro Shinya. Shape of an obstacle affects the mediolateral trajectory of the lower limb during the crossing process. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living. 2023. 5
  • 進矢 正宏, 三浦, 有花. 複雑なコンテクストが反映された障害物跨ぎ歩行研究. 理学療法-臨床・研究・教育. 2022. 29. 1. 3-10
  • Yuka Miura, Masahiro Shinya. Foot clearance when crossing obstacles of different heights with the lead and trail limbs. Gait & Posture. 2021. 88. 155-160
  • 三浦有花, 伊東太郎. 足底への荷重と頸部への振動刺激が立位時の重心動揺に及ぼす影響-busy-line effectの影響-. 健康・スポ-ツ科学. 2020. 10. 1. 1-7

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