Kosei KANEKO, Toshihiko KOMATSUZAKI, Daiki TAJIRI, Shozo KAWAMURA. Frequency tracking and reduction of physiological tremor using an adaptive notch filter-based controller. The 17th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control (MoViC 2024) & The 20th Asia-Pacific Vibration Conference (APVC2024). 2024
Daiki Tajiri, Mirei Iwatani, Shozo Kawamura. Basic study of structural health monitoring for layered structures subjected to vibration from a semi-active dynamic vibration absorbers. Proceedings of Inter-Noise2024. 2024
Masami Matsubara, Ryo Takara, Shogo Furuta, Khoo Pei Loon, Masakazu Kobayashi, Shozo Kawamura, Daiki Tajiri. Non-destructive three-dimensional observation of dynamic behavior inside microparticle composite rubbers using dynamic x-ray CT. Behavior and Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials XVIII. 2024
Ryota NAKANISHI, Masami MATSUBARA, Takashi ISHIBASHI, Haruyuki SUZUKI, Shozo KAWAMURA, Daiki TAJIRI. Experimental Validation of Elliptical Contact Patch Tire Model Improved by Introducing Contact Pressure- and Slip Velocity-dependent Friction Coefficient. The 28th IAVSD International Symposium on Dynamics of Vehicles on Roads and Tracks. 2023
M. Matsubara, T. Komatsu, T. Matsuoka, K. Matsumoto, D. Tajiri, S. Kawamura. Effect of specimen size and loading rate on stress-strain curve of rubber material. Proceedings of international symposium on scale modeling. 2022
Daiki Tajiri, Masaki Ojiro, Masami Matsubara, Shozo Kawamura. Modal identification of cylindrical shell with high damping using reduction method focusing on symmetry of mode shape. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2020. 920. 1. 012024-012024
Daiki Tajiri, Masami Matsubara, Masaki Ojiro, Shozo Kawamura. Modal identification of cylindrical shell with high damping using reduction method focusing on symmetry of mode shape. 6th International Conference of Global Network for Innovative Technology & International Conference on Vibration, Sound and System Dynamics. 2019
Daiki Tajiri, Shinsuke Takehara, Masami Matsubara, Shozo Kawamura. Identification of modal properties using linear fit method with polynomial approximation of residue term of frequency response function. 18th Asia-Pacific Vibration Conference. 2019
Daiki Tajiri, Masami Matsubara, Shozo Kawamura. Identification of modal parameters in a lightly damped system based on impact vibration testing: Application of exponential window and removal of its effect. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2019. 1264. 1. 012011-012011
Daiki Tajiri, Masami Matsubara, Shozo Kawamura. Identification of modal parameters in a lightly damped system based on impact vibration testing: Application of exponential window and removal of its effect. 13th International Conference on Recent Advances in Structural Dynamics. 2019
Masami Matsubara, Daiki Tajiri, Tomohiko Ise, Shozo Kawamura. Parameter Identification and Vibration Analysis of a Three-Dimensional Elastic Ring-Based Tire Model. 45th International Congress and Exposition on Noise Control Engineering. 2016
Masami Matsubara, Daiki Tajiri, Makoto Horiuchi, Shozo Kawamura. Evaluation of Spring Properties of Tire Sidewall under Changes in Inflation Pressure. SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Mechanical Systems. 2015. 8. 3. 825-833