J-GLOBAL ID:202101012378396770
Update date: Jan. 17, 2024 Horiguchi Kenichi
ホリグチ ケンイチ | Horiguchi Kenichi
Lectures and oral presentations (46)
How to stably solidify radioactive waste that is hard to cement solidify
(第64回マルチフィールド研究会) -
Development of treatment for low radioactive effluent in Tokai Reprocessing Plant, 15 Study of cement based encapsulation in full-scale mixing
(日本原子力学会2016年秋の大会) -
Study on the performance of iron phosphate glass mixed with alkaline-earth and rare earth
(日本原子力学会関東・甲越支部第9回学生研究発表会) -
Study on the optimization of the solidification of low-level radioactive liquid waste by magnesium phosphate cement
(日本原子力学会関東・甲越支部第9回学生研究発表会) -
Fundamental study on solidification of radioactive phosphorus acid waste liquid by magnesium phosphate cement
(日本原子力学会2015年秋の大会) -
Basic research programs for the next generation vitrification technology, 17; A Basic research on the applicability of iron phosphate glass
(日本原子力学会2015年秋の大会) -
Development of treatment for low radioactive effluent in Tokai Reprocessing Plant, 11; Development plan and outline of cement based encapsulation
(日本原子力学会2015年秋の大会) -
Development of treatment for low radioactive effluent in Tokai Reprocessing Plant, 13; Full-scale experiment of cement based encapsulation
(日本原子力学会2015年秋の大会) -
Development of treatment for low radioactive effluent in Tokai Reprocessing Plant 12; Small-scale experiment of cement based encapsulation
(日本原子力学会2015年秋の大会) -
The Solidification technologies of low-level radioactive effluent generated from the Tokai reprocessing facility
(日本原子力学会再処理・リサイクル部会第6回ぎんぎんセミナー) -
Study of conditioning technologies of secondary wastes produced from contaminated water treatment, 2; Conditioning tests of simulated sludge with inorganic solidified materials
(日本原子力学会2014年春の年会) -
Study of conditioning technologies of secondary wastes produced from contaminated water treatment,3; Properties of waste form of simulated sludge with inorganic solidified materials
(日本原子力学会2014年春の年会) -
A Basic study for immobilization of radioactive polluted water derived from the Accident at Fukushima Nuclear Power Stations of Tokyo Electric Power Company using borate glass
(日本原子力学会関東・甲越支部第12回若手研究者発表討論会) -
A Basic study for immobilization of radioactive waste including ocean water by the borate glass
(日本原子力学会2013年秋の大会) -
Evaluation of adsorption performence for composite type iminodiacetic acid resin used in analytical pretreatment for low-level radioactive waste
(日本原子力学会2013年秋の大会) -
Study of conditioning technologies of secondary wastes produced from contaminated water treatment, 1; Cement solidification of sludge from coagulating sedimentation device
(日本原子力学会2013年秋の大会) -
A Basic study for the low-level radioactive liquid solidification by using geopolymer method
(第67回セメント技術大会) -
Study on Na immobilization and leaching behavior of iron-phosphate type glass
(日本原子力学会2012年秋の大会) -
A Basic study of stabilization process of low-level radioactive waste using borate matrix
(日本原子力学会2012年秋の大会) -
Study for technology enhancement of precision of analysis from low level radioactive liquid waste using iminodiacetic acid resin
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