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J-GLOBAL ID:202101014999938943 Update date: Oct. 30, 2024

Fukumoto Masahiro

フクモト マサヒロ | Fukumoto Masahiro

MISC (29)

  • Yamauchi Kunihito, Okano Jun, Shimada Katsuhiro, Omori Yoshikazu, Terakado Tsunehisa, Matsukawa Makoto, Koide Yoshihiko, Kobayashi Kazuhiro, Ikeda Yoshitaka, Fukumoto Masahiro, et al. Work and safety managements for on-site installation, commissioning, tests by EU of quench protection circuits for JT-60SA. JAEA-Technology 2015-053. 2016. 36
  • Kawakami Takeshi, Yamamoto Kazuya, Fukumoto Masahiro. The Evaluation of "the drill of evacuation with family car" conducted in the Ibaraki Prefecture Comprehensive Nuclear Disaster Exercise 2010. JAEA-Technology 2011-042. 2012. 56
  • Sato Sohei, Yamamoto Kazuya, Muto Shigeo, Fukumoto Masahiro, Katagiri Hiromi. Lessons learned and recommendations according to nuclear disaster prevention based on the support activities to the accident at Fukushima Nuclear Power Stations. JAEA-Review 2011-049. 2012. 77
  • Katagiri Hiromi, Okuno Hiroshi, Sawahata Masayoshi, Ikeda Takeshi, Sato Sohei, Terakado Naoya, Nagakura Tomohiro, Nakanishi Chika, Fukumoto Masahiro, Yamamoto Kazuya, et al. Annual report of Nuclear Emergency Assistance and Training Center (April 1, 2010 - March 31, 2011). JAEA-Review 2011-037. 2011. 66
  • Kanamori Masashi, Shirakawa Yusuke, Yamashita Toshiyuki, Okuno Hiroshi, Terunuma Hiroshi, Ikeda Takeshi, Sato Sohei, Terakado Naoya, Nagakura Tomohiro, Fukumoto Masahiro, et al. Annual report of Nuclear Emergency Assistance and Training Center (April 1, 2009 - March 31, 2010). JAEA-Review 2010-037. 2010. 60
  • Kawakami Takeshi, Yamamoto Kazuya, Fukumoto Masahiro. The Evaluation of the drill of evacuation with family car, the drill of evacuation for the disabled with family car and the evacuation drill from the large enclosure conducted in national comprehensive nuclear disaster exercise 2009. JAEA-Technology 2010-024. 2010. 83
  • Kanamori Masashi, Hashimoto Kazuichiro, Terunuma Hiroshi, Ikeda Takeshi, Omura Akiko, Terakado Naoya, Nagakura Tomohiro, Fukumoto Masahiro, Watanabe Fumitaka, Yamamoto Kazuya, et al. Annual report of Nuclear Emergency Assistance and Training Center (April 1, 2008 - March 31, 2009). JAEA-Review 2009-023. 2009. 61
  • Sudo Makoto, Miyamoto Yasuaki, Fukumoto Masahiro, Suto Osamu. Development of Melt Refining Decontamination Technology for Low Level Radioactive Metal Waste Contaminated with Uranium. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 2005. 66. 2-4. 608-611
  • Takai Masakazu, Sudo Makoto, Nakazawa Osamu, Fukumoto Masahiro, Suto Osamu. Steam Reforming: Alternative Pyrolytic Technology to Incineration for Volume Reduction and Stabilization of Low-Level Radioactive Organic Liquid Wastes. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 2004. 66. 694-696
  • Aoki Yoshikazu, Fukumoto Masahiro, Saito Toru, Tsujinaka Hideyuki. Report on the training for an intruder. JNC-TN8440 2002-018. 2002. 14
  • Fukumoto Masahiro, Nishikawa Yoshiaki, Kagawa Akio. Experimental studies for the estimation of soluble organic components leached from asphalt (6); Research of soluble organic components in the leaching test of asphalt under reducing condition. JNC-TN8410 2002-009. 2002. 191
  • Noda Kimio, Saito Toru, Fukumoto Masahiro. Report on the trainings for terrorism. JNC-TN8440 2002-001. 2001. 16
  • Fukumoto Masahiro, Nishikawa Yoshiaki*. Alkali hydrolysis experiment of organic materials such as cement additives. JNC TN8400 2001-017. 2001. 355
  • Fukumoto Masahiro, Nishikawa Yoshiaki, Kagawa Akio, Kawamura Kazuhiro. Evaluation of soluble organic compounds generated by radiological degradation of asphalt. JNC-TN8400 2001-002. 2000. 23
  • Kagawa Akio, Kawamura Kazuhiro. Influence of Chemical and Radiolytic Degradation of Bitumen on Its Performance for Disposal. Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology. 2000. 37. 10. 934-937
  • Fukumoto Masahiro, Nishikawa Yoshiaki, Kagawa Akio. Distribution coefficients measurement experiment of americium to Ca-bentonite with cement additives. JNC-TN8400 2000-017. 2000. 30
  • Fukumoto Masahiro. Radioactive iodine waste, 2; Research on solidified waste of iodine adsorbent in copper matri. Genshiryoku Bakkuendo Kenkyu. 1999. 6. 1. 55-58
  • Igarashi Tadayuki, Murata Eiichi, Kobayashi Ikusa, Fukumoto Masahiro, Ikeda Satoshi. None. JNC-TN8400 99-004. 1998. 31
  • None. NO.106P.77-83(1998). 1998. 106. 77-83
  • Ikeda Satoshi, Nakamichi Hideya, Kawashima Nobuyoshi, Hayashi Shinichiro, Fukumoto Masahiro, Kamiya Shigeru, Kobayashi ikusa. None. PNC-TN8410 97-329. 1997. 355

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