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J-GLOBAL ID:202101020482648228 Update date: Mar. 08, 2025

Tanaka Koji

タナカ コウジ | Tanaka Koji

Papers (50)

  • Koji Tanaka, Shoji Matsumoto, Yusuke Nakazawa, Takeshi Yamada, Kazutaka Sonoda, Sukehisa Nagano, Taketo Hatano, Ryo Yamasaki, Ichiro Nakahara, Noriko Isobe. Delays in Presentation Time Under the COVID-19 Epidemic in Patients With Transient Ischemic Attack and Mild Stroke: A Retrospective Study of Three Hospitals in a Japanese Prefecture. Frontiers in Neurology. 2021. 12. 748316-748316
  • Koji Tanaka, Shoji Matsumoto, Gulibahaer Ainiding, Ichiro Nakahara, Hidehisa Nishi, Tetsuya Hashimoto, Tsuyoshi Ohta, Nobutake Sadamasa, Ryota Ishibashi, Masanori Gomi, et al. PON1 Q192R is associated with high platelet reactivity with clopidogrel in patients undergoing elective neurointervention: A prospective single-center cohort study. PLOS ONE. 2021. 16. 8. e0254067-e0254067
  • Eiji Higashi, Shoji Matsumoto, Ichiro Nakahara, Taketo Hatano, Akira Ishii, Nobutake Sadamasa, Tsuyoshi Ohta, Takuma Ishihara, Keisuke Tokunaga, Mitsushige Ando, et al. Clopidogrel response predicts thromboembolic events associated with coil embolization of unruptured intracranial aneurysms: A prospective cohort study. PLOS ONE. 2021. 16. 4. e0249766
  • Koji Tanaka, Toshiyuki Uehara, Tomoyuki Ohara, Shoichiro Sato, Mikito Hayakawa, Kazumi Kimura, Yasushi Okada, Yasuhiro Hasegawa, Norio Tanahashi, Akifumi Suzuki, et al. Transient ischemic attack without self-awareness of symptoms witnessed by bystanders: analysis of the PROMISE-TIA registry. European Journal of Neurology. 2021. 28. 2. 509-515
  • Koki Suezumi, Dai Matsuse, Koji Tanaka, Yusuke Imamura, Ryo Yamasaki, Jun-ichi Kira. A case of sudden-onset transverse myelopathy suspected to be caused by fibrocartilaginous embolism. Rinsho Shinkeigaku. 2021. 61. 1. 33-38
  • Koji Tanaka, Shoji Matsumoto, Konosuke Furuta, Takeshi Yamada, Sukehisa Nagano, Kei-ichiro Takase, Taketo Hatano, Ryo Yamasaki, Jun-ichi Kira. Modified diffusion-weighted imaging-Alberta Stroke Program Early Computed Tomography Score including deep white matter lesions predicts symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage following intravenous thrombolysis. Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis. 2020. 50. 1. 174-180
  • Koji Tanaka, Shoji Matsumoto, Konosuke Furuta, Takeshi Yamada, Sukehisa Nagano, Kei-ichiro Takase, Taketo Hatano, Ryo Yamasaki, Jun-ichi Kira. Differences between predictive factors for early neurological deterioration due to hemorrhagic and ischemic insults following intravenous recombinant tissue plasminogen activator. Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis. 2020. 49. 4. 545-550
  • Koji Tanaka, Shoji Matsumoto, Takeshi Yamada, Ryo Yamasaki, Makoto Suzuki, Mizuho A. Kido, Jun-Ichi Kira. Reduced Post-ischemic Brain Injury in Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 4 Knockout Mice. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 2020. 14. 453-453
  • 小俵 響子, 岡留 敏樹, 向野 隆彦, 横山 淳, 横山 拓, 田中 弘二, 上原 平, 松瀬 大, 山崎 亮, 飛松 省三, et al. 大動脈弁置換術後にchoreaと精神症状を呈し、シデナム舞踏病が疑われた一例. 臨床神経学. 2019. 59. 12. 852-852
  • 松本 省二, 小山 裕司, 中原 一郎, 石井 暁, 波多野 武人, 古田 興之介, 田中 弘二, 須山 嘉雄, 小田 淳平, 我那覇 司, et al. 脳卒中急性期診療のための視覚的タスクマネジメントICTシステムの開発と試験運用. 臨床神経学. 2019. 59. Suppl. S250-S250
  • 松本 省二, 小山 裕司, 中原 一郎, 石井 暁, 波多野 武人, 太田 剛史, 古田 興之介, 田中 弘二, 須山 嘉雄, 沖田 晋平, et al. 脳卒中急性期診療におけるチーム医療支援ICTシステムTask Calc. Strokeの開発. 脳血管内治療. 2019. 4. Suppl. S35-S35
  • 松本 省二, 小山 裕司, 中原 一郎, 石井 暁, 波多野 武人, 古田 興之介, 田中 弘二, 須山 嘉雄, 小田 淳平, 我那覇 司, et al. 脳卒中急性期診療のための視覚的タスクマネジメントICTシステムの開発と試験運用. 臨床神経学. 2019. 59. Suppl. S250-S250
  • Koji Tanaka, Shoji Matsumoto, Takeshi Yamada, Sukehisa Nagano, Kei-ichiro Takase, Taketo Hatano, Ryo Yamasaki, Jun-ichi Kira. Temporal Trends in Clinical Characteristics and Door-to-Needle Time in Patients Receiving Intravenous Tissue Plasminogen Activator: A Retrospective Study of 4 Hospitals in Japan. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases. 2019. 28. 11. 104305-104305
  • 吉良 雄一, 劉 景晨, 松本 英展, 高柳 宏樹, 緒方 英紀, 松田 やよい, 坂本 竜一, 田中 弘二, 松瀬 大, 山崎 亮, et al. 眼窩上神経の高度腫大に起因する複視が示唆された抗NF155抗体陽性CIDPの一例. 臨床神経学. 2019. 59. 10. 685-685
  • Shoji Matsumoto, Hiroshi Koyama, Ichiro Nakahara, Akira Ishii, Taketo Hatano, Tsuyoshi Ohta, Koji Tanaka, Mitsushige Ando, Hideo Chihara, Wataru Takita, et al. A Visual Task Management Application for Acute Ischemic Stroke Care. Frontiers in Neurology. 2019. 10. 1118
  • 松本 省二, 小山 裕司, 中原 一郎, 波多野 武人, 田中 弘二, 永田 泉, 吉良 潤一. 急性期脳梗塞治療ICT支援システム(Task Calc. Stroke)の開発と試験運用. 臨床神経学. 2018. 58. Suppl. S128-S128
  • 松本 省二, 小山 裕司, 中原 一郎, 石井 暁, 波多野 武人, 太田 剛史, 古田 興之介, 田中 弘二, 小田 淳平, 我那覇 司, et al. 急性期脳卒中診療支援ICTシステムTask Calc.Stroke(タスカル)の開発. 脳血管内治療. 2018. 3. Suppl. S57-S57
  • Koji Tanaka, Shoji Matsumoto, Takeshi Yamada, Daisuke Kondo, Hideo Chihara, Motohisa Koga, Taketo Hatano, Tomoya Miyagi, Ryo Yamasaki, Jun-ichi Kira. Elevated end-diastolic ratio of the common carotid artery due to cerebral arteriovenous malformation: Two case reports. Radiology Case Reports. 2018. 13. 4. 917-920
  • Koji Tanaka, Toshiyuki Uehara, Kazumi Kimura, Yasushi Okada, Yasuhiro Hasegawa, Norio Tanahashi, Akifumi Suzuki, Jyoji Nakagawara, Kazumasa Arii, Shinji Nagahiro, et al. Comparison of Clinical Characteristics among Subtypes of Visual Symptoms in Patients with Transient Ischemic Attack: Analysis of the PROspective Multicenter registry to Identify Subsequent cardiovascular Events after TIA (PROMISE-TIA) Registry. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases. 2018. 27. 6. 1711-1716
  • Koji Tanaka, Shoji Matsumoto, Hiroyuki Murai, Ryo Yamasaki, Jun-ichi Kira. Measurement Conditions of End-Diastolic Ratio of Common Carotid Arteries Alter Diagnostic Ability for Large Artery Intracranial Occlusive Disease. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases. 2017. 26. 10. 2421-2426

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