J-GLOBAL ID:202201017072281854
Update date: Jun. 25, 2024 Kurata Yu
クラタ ユウ | Kurata Yu
Affiliation and department: Research theme for competitive and other funds (1): - 2023 - 2025 The elucidation of the role of HIF in podocytes in the pathogenesis of crescentic glomerulonephritis
Papers (14): -
Yu Kurata, Masaomi Nangaku. Use of antibiotics as a therapeutic approach to prevent AKI-to-CKD progression. Kidney international. 2023. 104. 3. 418-420
Tomotaka Yamazaki, Imari Mimura, Yu Kurata, Tetsuhiro Tanaka, Masaomi Nangaku. Dznep, a histone modification inhibitor, inhibits HIF1α binding to TIMP2 gene and suppresses TIMP2 expression under hypoxia. Physiological reports. 2023. 11. 17. e15810
Rika Miura, Imari Mimura, Hanako Saigusa, Tomotaka Yamazaki, Fumiaki Tanemoto, Yu Kurata, Dai Sato, Tetsuhiro Tanaka, Masaomi Nangaku. Chromatin remodeling factor, INO80, inhibits PMAIP1 in renal tubular cells via exchange of histone variant H2A.Z. for H2A. Scientific reports. 2023. 13. 1. 13235-13235
Hanako Saigusa, Imari Mimura, Yu Kurata, Tetsuhiro Tanaka, Masaomi Nangaku. Hypoxia-inducible lncRNA MIR210HG promotes HIF1α expression by inhibiting miR-93-5p in renal tubular cells. The FEBS journal. 2023. 290. 16. 4040-4056
Yu Kurata, Masaomi Nangaku. Dapagliflozin for the treatment of chronic kidney disease. Expert review of endocrinology & metabolism. 2022. 17. 4. 275-291
more... MISC (59): -
倉田 遊, 田中 哲洋, 菅原 真衣. 【腎性貧血:HIF-PH阻害薬への期待と課題】HIFと糖尿病性腎臓病. 腎と透析. 2022. 93. 2. 265-269
倉田 遊, 田中 哲洋, 菅原 真衣. HIFと糖尿病性腎臓病. 糖尿病・内分泌代謝科. 2022. 54. 5. 601-608
川村 万里子, 中村 元信, 松浦 亮, 倉田 遊, 坂下 碧, 山田 大介, 濱崎 敬文, 此枝 千尋, 佐藤 雅昭, 中島 淳, et al. 内シャント造設が困難であった生体肺移植後の末期腎不全の一例. 日本透析医学会雑誌. 2022. 55. Suppl.1. 560-560
倉田 遊, 田中 哲洋. 【環境と腎臓】高地環境と腎臓. 腎臓. 2022. 44. 27-31
倉田 遊, 菅原 真衣, 南学 正臣. 【糖尿病性腎臓病(DKD)】DKDの基礎 疾患概念. 腎と透析. 2021. 91. 4. 503-507
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