Nakano A., Toda N., Cho T., Ohta T. Evaluation of the hinterland paleoweathering during the mid- to late-Cretaceous in Northwestern Kyusyu, Japan. the 37th International Geological Congress. 2024
Cho T, Ohta T, Li G. Development of a new silicate weathering index (RW) and its application to the Early Cretaceous strata distributed in East Asia. the 37th International Geological Congress. 2024
Nakagawa Y, Cho T, Ikeda M. Possible changes in weathering process through the Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE 1a) recorded in the Cretaceous deep-sea bedded chert. Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024 (Chiba, Japan), Japan Geoscience Union. 2024
Cho T, Ohta T. Development of a new silicate weathering index (RW) and its application to the climate reconstruction. Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2024 (Chiba, Japan), Japan Geoscience Union. 2024
Fagan,J,T, Cho,T, Sawada,Y. Did Lunar Granites form by Silicate Liquid Immiscibility similar to Melt Inclusions in Northwest Africa 773? Log-ratio Analysis of Chemical Compositions. 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference(Houston, Texas). 2024
Tenichi CHO, Tohru OHTA, Gang LI. Introduction of a robust chemical weathering index for sediments containing authigenic and biogenic materials and its application to Cretaceous strata distributed in SE Asia. 2023
CHO Tenichi, OHTA Tohru. A new chemical weathering index for sediments containing authigenic and biogenic materials: RW index. Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan. 2022. 2022. 170
Chen, W, He, T, Kemp, D, Xiong, Y, Izumi, K, Cho, T, Huang, C, Newton, R, Poulton, S. Shallow and deep ocean Fe cycling and redox evolution across the Pliensbachian-Toarcian. Goldschmidt conference 2022 (virtual), European Association of Geochemistry. 2022
Okano, K, Nakano, A, Cho, T, Ohta, T, Li, G. Paleoclimate evaluation during the mid-Cretaceous in Zhejiang Province, southeast China. 35th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology (virtual) Book of Abstracts International Association of Sedimentologist. 2021. 331-331
Cho, T. Reconstruction of climate condition in the Carnian from bedded chert by using a new index of chemical weathering. JpGU-AGU Joint Meeting (virtual), Japan Geoscience Union. 2020
Cho, T, Ohta, T. A robust chemical weathering index applicable to a wide range of sedimentary rocks. Goldschmidt conference 2020 (virtual), European Association of Geochemistry. 2020
Cho Tenichi. A report on the IAS field trip “Microbial carbonate reservoirs architecture:From depositional facies to seismic scale geometriesin the Triassic of the Dolomites (Italy)”. Journal of the Sedimentological Society of Japan. 2020. 78. 2. 111-115