J-GLOBAL ID:202301002830249371
Update date: Oct. 01, 2024 Kojima Kunihiro
コジマ クニヒロ | Kojima Kunihiro
Lectures and oral presentations (13)
Study on the random resonance for further beam power ramp-up in J-PARC RCS
(8th ACFA-HPPA Mini-workshop) -
Compensation of 3rd-order resonance for off-momentum particles using the octupole magnets in J-PARC RCS
(日本物理学会第79回年次大会(2024年)) -
Development of non-destructive electrostatic septum for slow extraction in high intensity proton accelerator
(日本物理学会第79回年次大会(2024年)) -
Space charge neutralization on a pulsed beam in MEBT with gas sheet beam profile monitor
(6th ICFA Mini-Workshop on Space Charge 2024) -
Compensation of random resonance for further beam loss mitigation and beam power ramp-up in J-PARC RCS
(2023年度ビーム物理研究会・若手の会) -
Characterization of space-charge neutralization for bunched beams using numerical calculations
(2023年度ビーム物理研究会・若手の会) -
Identification and compensation of beam loss sources for further beam power ramp-up in J-PARC RCS
(20th Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan 2023) -
Construction of a multi-particle simulation model for the basic designs of high-intensity linear ion accelerators
(19th Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan 2022) -
Modeling of high-intensity ion beams propagating through linear accelerators
(77th Meeting of Physical Society of Japan 2022) -
Generating pseudo-equilibrium phase-space distributions of particles in intense bunched beams focused by an arbitrary periodic lattice
(18th Meeting of Particle Accelerator Society of Japan 2021) -
Calibration of fundamental structural constants of a linear Paul trap designed for short-bunch beam dynamics experiments
(76th Meeting of Physical Society of Japan 2021) -
Numerical study of collective resonance instability in high-intensity hadron beams
(74th Meeting of Physical Society of Japan 2019) -
Numerical estimate of the coherent tune shifts of low-order collective oscillation modes in intense hadron beams
(73th Meeting of Physical Society of Japan 2018)
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