J-GLOBAL ID:202301008569209381
Update date: Feb. 19, 2025 Saito Takuya
Saito Takuya
Research field (1):
Respiratory medicine
Research keywords (2):
, 呼吸器内科学
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1): - 2024 - 2027 慢性閉塞性肺疾患における単球-マクロファージ系細胞の網羅的表現型・機能解析
Papers (12): -
Naoya Fujino, Mitsuhiro Yamada, Takuya Saito, Shuichi Konno, Hisatoshi Sugiura. Human Lung Cell Separation Strategies for Translational Research. American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology. 2024. 71. 5. 621-622
Yoshinao Ono, Naoya Fujino, Takuya Saito, Shuichiro Matsumoto, Shuichi Konno, Takuto Endo, Manami Suzuki, Mitsuhiro Yamada, Yoshinori Okada, Hisatoshi Sugiura. Characterization of IL-6R-expressing monocytes in the lung of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Respiratory Investigation. 2024. 62. 5. 856-866
Takuya Saito, Naoya Fujino, Yorihiko Kyogoku, Mitsuhiro Yamada, Koji Okutomo, Yoshinao Ono, Shuichi Konno, Takuto Endo, Koji Itakura, Shuichiro Matsumoto, et al. Identification of Siglec-1-negative alveolar macrophages with proinflammatory phenotypes in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. American Journal of Physiology - Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology. 2024. 326. 6. L672-L686
Tatsunori Ito, Tomohiro Ichikawa, Mitsuhiro Yamada, Yuichiro Hashimoto, Naoya Fujino, Tadahisa Numakura, Yusaku Sasaki, Ayumi Suzuki, Katsuya Takita, Hirohito Sano, et al. CYP27A1-27-hydroxycholesterol axis in the respiratory system contributes to house dust mite-induced allergic airway inflammation. Allergology International. 2024. 73. 1. 151-163
京極 自彦, 藤野 直也, 松本 周一郎, 小野 祥直, 佐野 寛仁, 遠藤 卓人, 今野 周一, 鈴木 眞奈美, 齋藤 拓矢, 相澤 洋之, et al. 気管支喘息(成人):病態生理 喘息におけるCD161+制御性T細胞のトランスクリプトーム解析. アレルギー. 2023. 72. 6-7. 866-866
more... Education (2): - 2018 - 2022 東北大学大学院医学系研究科
- 2010 - 2016 東北大学 医学部
Professional career (1): Work history (3): - 2023/04 - 現在 東北大学大学院医学系研究科 内科病態学講座 呼吸器内科学分野 助教
- 2022/04 - 2023/03 石巻赤十字病院 医師
- 2016/04 - 2018/03 山形県立中央病院 初期臨床研修医
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