Correlation between flow state and the effects of attention training: randomized controlled trial of patients with traumatic brain injury (The 12th world congress on brain injury 2017)
Neurological bases of visuospatial attention in chronic patients with attention deficits after TBI (Organization for human brain mapping (OHBM) 2015 2015)
Brain activity during the flow experience: a functional near-infrared spectroscopy study (16th International Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists 2014)
Change of cerebral cortex excitability after Electromyogram triggered electrical stimulation combined with mirror visual feedback in healthy elderly subjects. (30th International Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology 2014)
Active inhibition of task irrelevant sounds and neural basis in patients with attention deficits after traumatic brain injury: An fNIRS study (30th International Congress of Clinical Neurophysiolog 2014)