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J-GLOBAL ID:202401006507312717 Update date: May. 17, 2024

Inagaki Yuji

イナガキ ユウジ | Inagaki Yuji

Papers (9)

  • Yuji Inagaki, Kazunori Seki, Hitoshi Makino, Yuichirou Matsuo, Tamaki Miyamoto, Katsunori Ikoma. Exploring Hemodynamic Responses Using Mirror Visual Feedback With Electromyogram-Triggered Stimulation and Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 2019. 13
  • Kazuki Yoshida, Keita Ogawa, Takuroh Mototani, Yuji Inagaki, Daisuke Sawamura, Katsunori Ikoma, Shinya Sakai. Flow experience enhances the effectiveness of attentional training: A pilot randomized controlled trial of patients with attention deficits after traumatic brain injury. NeuroRehabilitation. 2018. 43. 2. 183-193
  • 稲垣侑士, 河村太介, 小川圭太, 岩崎倫政. 簡易上肢機能検査(STEF)とPurdue Pegboard Test成績の比較検討-手指機能評価への応用-. 日本手外科学会雑誌. 2017. 33. 6. 989-991
  • 小川圭太, 河村太介, 稲垣侑士, 岩崎倫政. 手外科領域における簡易上肢機能検査(STEF)とPurdue Pegboard Test(PPT)の関連性. 日本手外科学会雑誌. 2017. 33. 4. 630-632
  • 小川 圭太, 稲垣 侑士, 角井 由佳, 吉田 奈美, 堀 享一, 生駒 一憲, 澤村 大輔. 高次脳機能障害患者における就労能力判断基準の検討. 国立大学リハビリテーション療法士学術大会. 2015. 36. 17-19
  • Daisuke Sawamura, Katsunori Ikoma, Kazuki Yoshida, Yuji Inagaki, Keita Ogawa, Shinya Sakai. Active inhibition of task-irrelevant sounds and its neural basis in patients with attention deficits after traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury. 2014. 28. 11. 1455-1460
  • Kazuki Yoshida, Daisuke Sawamura, Yuji Inagaki, Keita Ogawa, Katsunori Ikoma, Shinya Sakai. Brain activity during the flow experience: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study. Neuroscience Letters. 2014. 573. 30-34
  • INAGAKI Yuji, SEKI Kazunori. Change of Motor Cortical Excitability after EMG Triggered FES Combined with Mirror Therapy in Healthy Subject. BME. 2013. 51. 2. 83-88
  • Yuji Inagaki, Shinya Sakai, Ayahito Ito, Mika Otsuki, Yukako Asano, Kazumi Hirayama. Rehabilitation for a Patient with Apperceptive Visual Agnosia and Semantic Memory Impairment. Higher Brain Function Research. 2011. 31. 1. 8-18

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