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J-GLOBAL ID:202501014133284668   Update date: Jan. 16, 2025


Papers (20):
  • Miller M.J., Sasal P., Schabetsberger R., Kuroki M., Acou A., Chang Y.L.K., Higuchi T., Watanabe S., Aoyama J., Feunteun E. The South Pacific: a unique geological and oceanographic region of freshwater island-oasis habitats for anguillid eel population interactions. CYBIUM. 2024. 48. 5-33
  • 蛇行する黒潮、南下しない親潮. 2023. 87. 3. 191-193
  • Yu-Lin K. Chang, Sergey M. Varlamov, Xinyu Guo, Toru Miyama & Yasumasa Miyazawa. July 2020 heavy rainfall in Japan: effect of real-time river discharge on ocean circulation based on a coupled river-ocean model. Ocean Dynamics. 2023. 73. 249-265
  • Yu-Lin K. Chang, Sergey M. Varlamov, Xinyu Guo, Toru Miyama & Yasumasa Miyazawa. July 2020 heavy rainfall in Japan: effect of real-time river discharge on ocean circulation based on a coupled river-ocean model. Ocean Dynamics. 2023. 73. 249-265
  • Yu-Lin K. Chang, Iona M. McIntosh, Toru Miyama & Yasumasa Miyazawa. Projection of August 2021 pumice dispersion from the Fukutoku-Oka-no-Ba eruption in the western North Pacific. Scientific Reports. 2023. 13. 3945
MISC (1):
  • Ogata, T., Horii, T., Aiki, H., Chang, Y.-L. E., Iskandar, I., and Masumoto, Y. Editorial: Multi-scale air-sea variability and its application in Indo-Pacific regions. Frontiers in Climate. 2023. 5
Lectures and oral presentations  (22):
  • Significant impact of ocean current variability on marine heatwaves: case studies in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean
    (PICES-2023 2023)
  • 日本沿海予測可能性実験における沿岸外洋相互作用研究
  • 蛇行する黒潮、南下しない親潮
  • 沿岸変動予測システム
  • 北西太平洋4次元アンサンブル変分法予測システム
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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