Significant impact of ocean current variability on marine heatwaves: case studies in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean (PICES-2023 2023)
日本沿海予測可能性実験における沿岸外洋相互作用研究 (2023)
蛇行する黒潮、南下しない親潮 (2023)
沿岸変動予測システム (2022)
北西太平洋4次元アンサンブル変分法予測システム (2022)
Application of Particle Tracking on Ocean Research (GAIA STEM Lecture TAIWAN 2022)
Possible Influence of Typhoons, Volcano, and Ocean Productivity on Early Larval Survival and Annual Cohort Recruitment of the Japanese eel (International Workshop on Modelling the Ocean 2022)
July 2020 heavy rainfall in Japan: Effect of real-time river discharge on ocean circulation based on a coupled river-ocean model (International Workshop on Modelling the Ocean 2022)
The application of ocean model simulation on Anguillid eel migration (UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development Ocean Decade Laboratories :A Productive Ocean 2022)
July 2020 heavy rainfall in Japan: Effect of real-time river discharge on ocean circulation based on a couple driver-ocean model (Japan Geoscience Union Meeting (JpGU) 2022)
福徳岡ノ場海底火山からの軽石漂流シミュレーション (2022)
New clues on the Atlantic eels spawning behavior and area: The Mid-Atlantic Ridge Hypothesis (Japan Geophysical Union (JpGU) annual meeting 2021)
2年を越えて続く黒潮大蛇行: その影響と予測 (2019)
Philippines-Taiwan Oscillations and its connection to tropical cyclone frequency in the western North Pacific Ocean (Japan Oceanic Society Fall meeting 2019)
Philippines-Taiwan Oscillations and its connection to tropical cyclone frequency in the western North Pacific Ocean (International Workshop on Modeling the Ocean 2019)
The late arrival of 2017-18 Japanese eel recruitment and its links to ocean circulation (Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2019)
Spawning area of Atlantic eels (Provide a invited seminar in National Central University of Taiwan 2019)
Potential impact of ocean circulation on Japanese eel larvae migration (SIMSEA 2nd Regional Symposium 2018)
Potential impact of ocean circulation on Japanese eel larvae migration (PICES 2018 Annual Meeting 2018)
Potential impact of ocean circulation on the declining Japanese eel catches (International Workshop on Modelling the Ocean (IWMO) 2018)