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J-GLOBAL ID:202501014133284668 Update date: Jan. 16, 2025



Lectures and oral presentations (22)

  • Significant impact of ocean current variability on marine heatwaves: case studies in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean
    (PICES-2023 2023)
  • 日本沿海予測可能性実験における沿岸外洋相互作用研究
  • 蛇行する黒潮、南下しない親潮
  • 沿岸変動予測システム
  • 北西太平洋4次元アンサンブル変分法予測システム
  • Application of Particle Tracking on Ocean Research
    (GAIA STEM Lecture TAIWAN 2022)
  • Possible Influence of Typhoons, Volcano, and Ocean Productivity on Early Larval Survival and Annual Cohort Recruitment of the Japanese eel
    (International Workshop on Modelling the Ocean 2022)
  • July 2020 heavy rainfall in Japan: Effect of real-time river discharge on ocean circulation based on a coupled river-ocean model
    (International Workshop on Modelling the Ocean 2022)
  • The application of ocean model simulation on Anguillid eel migration
    (UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development Ocean Decade Laboratories :A Productive Ocean 2022)
  • July 2020 heavy rainfall in Japan: Effect of real-time river discharge on ocean circulation based on a couple driver-ocean model
    (Japan Geoscience Union Meeting (JpGU) 2022)
  • 福徳岡ノ場海底火山からの軽石漂流シミュレーション
  • New clues on the Atlantic eels spawning behavior and area: The Mid-Atlantic Ridge Hypothesis
    (Japan Geophysical Union (JpGU) annual meeting 2021)
  • 2年を越えて続く黒潮大蛇行: その影響と予測
  • Philippines-Taiwan Oscillations and its connection to tropical cyclone frequency in the western North Pacific Ocean
    (Japan Oceanic Society Fall meeting 2019)
  • Philippines-Taiwan Oscillations and its connection to tropical cyclone frequency in the western North Pacific Ocean
    (International Workshop on Modeling the Ocean 2019)
  • The late arrival of 2017-18 Japanese eel recruitment and its links to ocean circulation
    (Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2019)
  • Spawning area of Atlantic eels
    (Provide a invited seminar in National Central University of Taiwan 2019)
  • Potential impact of ocean circulation on Japanese eel larvae migration
    (SIMSEA 2nd Regional Symposium 2018)
  • Potential impact of ocean circulation on Japanese eel larvae migration
    (PICES 2018 Annual Meeting 2018)
  • Potential impact of ocean circulation on the declining Japanese eel catches
    (International Workshop on Modelling the Ocean (IWMO) 2018)

1 to 20 of 22 results
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