1980 - 2010 Changes of the eolian dust flux and paleoclimate in the east Asia since the last Inter-Glacial age.
1970 - 2010 日本の海岸砂丘
- 2010 Coastal sand dune in Japan
1993 - 2001 トルコ,アナトリア高原の地形発達
1993 - 2001 Geomorphological development of the Anatoria Plateau, Turkey
MISC (67件):
Mineral composition of clay gractions and oxygen vacancies in silt-sized quartz in soils on the Kaetsu Plateau, Fukui. Soil Science Plant Nutrition. 2005. 51
The application of loess-paleosol deposits on the development age of river terraces at the midstream of Hongcheon river. Journal of Geological Society. 2005. 41(3), 323-333