Kento Watanabe, Tetsuya Kanagawa, Takahiro Ayukai. Elucidation of pressure wave attenuation due to cross-sectional area change in bubbly flow. International Journal of Multiphase Flow. 2025. 186. 105138-1-105138-9
Kurata D., Ayukai T., Kanagawa T. Weakly nonlinear wave propagation in a magma containing crystals and bubbles. Physics of Fluids. 2025. 37
Kazushi Hemmi, Tetsuya Kanagawa. Impact of a bubble-bubble interaction on nonlinear acoustic properties of pressure waves in a non-dilute bubbly liquid. Results in Engineering. 2025. 25. 103752-1-103752-10
Tetsuya Kanagawa, Akihiro Nakamura. Linear pressure waves in mono- and poly-disperse bubbly liquids: Attenuation and propagation speed in slow and fast and evanescent modes. Ultrasonics. 2025. 146. 107487-1-107487-17
Modelling and numerical simulation for weakly nonlinear focused ultrasound propagation in viscoelastic bubbly liquid【Support Grant Winner (TH)】
(The 26th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM 2024) 2024)
2022/03 - 応用物理学会 Highlights papers in 2021 "Weakly Nonlinear Theory on Ultrasound Propagation in Liquids Containing Many Microbubbles Encapsulated by Visco-Elastic Shell"
2021/05 - Spotlights, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics "Weakly Nonlinear Theory on Ultrasound Propagation in Liquids Containing Many Microbubbles Encapsulated by Visco-Elastic Shell"
2021/03 - AIP Publishing Featured Article (Journal Best), Physics of Fluids "Theoretical Elucidation of Effect of Drag Force and Translation of Bubble on Weakly Nonlinear Pressure Waves in Bubbly Flows"
2019/12 - Executive Committee of International Conference on Flow Dynamics The 16th International Conference on Flow Dynamics Best Presentation Award for Young Researcher 【被表彰業績】Theoretical Prediction on Nonlinear Propagation of Precursor in Compressible Bubbly Liquids【被表彰者】金川哲也
2019/12 - Acoustical Society of America (ASA) Student Paper Prize in Physical Acoustics (Second Place) at 178th Mtgs. of Acoust. Soc. Am. Numerical Study on Nonlinear Evolution of Pressure Waves in Bubbly Liquids: Effective Range of Initial Void Fraction
2012/04 - 一般社団法人日本機械学会 2011年度日本機械学会賞(論文) Unified Theory Based on Parameter Scaling for Derivation of Nonlinear Wave Equations in Bubbly Liquids【被表彰者】金川哲也,矢野猛,渡部正夫,藤川重雄
2006/03 - 北海道大学工学部 William Wheeler Prize 北海道大学工学部機械工学科在学時の学業成績優秀