Chiaki Hanabusa. 'The Cancelled Page of the First Folio *Romeo and Juliet*'. *The Library*. 2025. 7th ser, 26
Chiaki Hanabusa. 'Notes on the Additions to *The Spanish Tragedy* (1602)'. *POETICA*. 2017. vol. 87. 47-61
Chiaki Hanabusa. 'The Text of the First Quarto of *Titus Andronicus* (1594)'. *Shakespeare Studies: The 400th Anniversary Special Issue*. 2016. vol. 53. 1-25
Chiaki Hanabusa. 'The Will of Simon Jewell and the Queen’s Men Tours in 1592'. *Early Theatre: A Journal Associated with the Records of Early English Drama*. 2013. 16. 1. 11-30
, 日本シェイクスピア協会
, International Shakespeare Association
, The Bibliographical Society of America
, The Bibliographical Society (London)
, The Malone Society