Georges Aad, Erlend Aakvaag, Braden Abbott, Sara Abdelhameed, Kira Abeling, Nils Julius Abicht, Syed Haider Abidi, Mohammed Abdelrazek Aboelela, Asmaa Aboulhorma, Halina Abramowicz, et al. Search for a light charged Higgs boson in $t \rightarrow H^{\pm } b$ decays, with $H^{\pm } \rightarrow cs$, in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}={13}\hbox { TeV}$ with the ATLAS detector. Eur.Phys.J.C. 2025. 85. 2. 153-153
Georges Aad, Erlend Aakvaag, Braden Abbott, Sara Abdelhameed, Kira Abeling, Nils Julius Abicht, Syed Haider Abidi, Mohammed Abdelrazek Aboelela, Asmaa Aboulhorma, Halina Abramowicz, et al. Search for long-lived charged particles using large specific ionisation loss and time of flight in 140 $fb^{-1}$ of $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}\ = 13$ TeV with the ATLAS detector. 2025
Georges Aad, Erlend Aakvaag, Braden Abbott, Sara Abdelhameed, Kira Abeling, Nils Julius Abicht, Syed Haider Abidi, Mohammed Abdelrazek Aboelela, Asmaa Aboulhorma, Halina Abramowicz, et al. Estimation of backgrounds from jets misidentified as $\tau$-leptons using the Universal Fake Factor method with the ATLAS detector. 2025
Georges Aad, Erlend Aakvaag, Braden Abbott, Sara Abdelhameed, Kira Abeling, Nils Julius Abicht, Syed Haider Abidi, Mohammed Abdelrazek Aboelela, Asmaa Aboulhorma, Halina Abramowicz, et al. Measurement of jet track functions in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV with the ATLAS detector. 2025
Georges Aad, Erlend Aakvaag, Braden Abbott, Sara Abdelhameed, Kira Abeling, Nils Julius Abicht, Syed Haider Abidi, Mohammed Abdelrazek Aboelela, Asmaa Aboulhorma, Halina Abramowicz, et al. Total Cost of Ownership and Evaluation of Google Cloud Resources for the ATLAS Experiment at the LHC. Comput.Softw.Big Sci. 2025. 9. 1. 2-2