Okouchi, H. Does “Mutual Reinforcement” Function as Reinforcement for Humans? An Examination of the Function of Increasing Response Rates. The Psychological Record. 2025
Hiroto Okouchi. An Irreversible Effect of Response Cost on Human Fixed-Interval Responding. The Psychological Record. 2023. 74. 1. 45-58
Hiroto Okouchi. Effects of Successively Transmitted Verbal Descriptions on a Two-Response Sequence. The Psychological Record. 2023. 73. 4. 513-523
Kennon A. Lattal, Hiroto Okouchi. Stimulus control of a social operant. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior. 2023. 120. 3. 330-343
Hiroto Okouchi. Real, potentially real, and hypothetical monetary rewards in probability discounting. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior. 2023. 120. 3. 406-415
Mutual reinforcement maintains response rates when It includes contingencies of alternate, response-dependent, and immediate reinforcement
(The 50th Annual Convention of Association for Behavior Analysis International, Philadelphia 2024)