研究キーワード (6件):
, 食品識別
, 味覚生理学
, Improvement of foods for dysphagic patients
, Neural mechanism of swallowing
, Central nervous mechanism of taste
競争的資金等の研究課題 (5件):
2010 - 2014 咀嚼筋活動パタンによる食品評価-風味の関与
2007 - 2010 咀嚼筋ならびに嚥下関連筋の活動パタンに基づく食品評価法の確立
2004 - 味覚誘発性運動の解析
Research on mechanism of sensory evaluation of swallowing
Endo C, Hirata A, Takami A, Ashida I, Miyaoka Y. Effect of miraculin on sweet and sour tastes evoked by mixed acid solutions. Food and Nutrition Sciences. 2015. 6. 757-764