Dielectrophoresis: Approach to Squeeze Out Natural Information of a Single Biological Cell,
Springer Handbook, 2014.of Bio-/Neuro-Informatics (Nik Kasaov ed.), 2014
講演・口頭発表等 (13件):
(電気学会バイオ・マイクロシステム研究会 2013)
Measuring the Mass Density of a Target Blood Cell to Calculate Its Dielectrophoretic Force
(World Automation Congress 2012 (WAC2012) 2012)
(バイオメディカル・ファジィ・システム学会 2010)
Dielectrophoretic Cell Separation for Clinical Laboratory Automation
(The 7th Cherry Blossom Symposium International Conference of Clinical Laboratory Automation and Robotics 2010)
2008/04 - The 6th Cherry Blossom Symposium International Conference of Clinical Laboratory Automation and Robotics POSTER AWARD Dielectrophoretic Cell Separation for Clinical Laboratory Automation