Emi Hamana. A Cognitive Approach to Shakespeare Plays in Immersive Theatre: With a Special Focus on Punchdrunk' s "Sleep No More" in New York (2011-) and Shanghai (2016-). Multicultural Shakespeare: Translation, Appropriation and Performance. 2020. 21. 13-26
Panel 3 Circulating Shakespeare Performances within the Digital Realm. Hamana's presentation, "Live Shakespeare Performances Online during the Pandemic with a Focus on British Theatre Groups and a Japanese Born-Digital-Theatre Company"
(11th World Shakespeare World Congress, Singapore (Online conference) 2021)
“A Cognitive Approach to Shakespearean Plays in Immersive Theatre, with a Special Focus on <I>Punchdrunk’s Sleep No More</I> in New York (2011-) and Shanghai (2016-)”
(IAUPE (International Association of University Professors of English) 2019 2019)
, 日本デジタル・ヒューマニティーズ学会(JADH)
, 日本シェイクスピア協会
, 日本英文学会(終身会員)
, International Shakespeare Association
, International Association of University Professors of English (IAUPE)
, Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO)