- 2002 - 2007 フッ素ガスによる直接フッ素化反応
- 表面改質による親水性と撥水性(親水性、撥水性、表面改質)
- /材料加工・処理
- フッ素ガスによる材料表面の改質(表面改質、フッ素化)
- /複合材料・物性
- 超撥水性金属複合体の作成と表面物性(超撥水、金属複合体)
- Derect Fluorination by Fluorm Gas
- material fabrication and processing
- (hydrophilicity, water repellence, surface modification)/
- hydrophilicity and water repellence by surface modification
- modification, fluoridation) /material fabrication and processing
- Modification of material surface by fluoride (surface
- composite material, property
- surface property (super water repellent, metal composite)/
- Preparation of super water repellent metal composite and