Banri Ito and Katsunori Shirai. City-specific determinants of cross-border M&As: An inter-urban gravity approach. International Economics and Economic Policy. 2023
Ayumu Tanaka, Banri Ito, and Naoto Jinji. Individual Preferences Toward Inward Foreign Direct Investment: A Conjoint Survey Experiment. Journal of Asian Economics. 2023. 88. 101644-101644
「企業のグローバル化がコロナ禍のリモートワーク導入に与えた影響」. The World Economy. 2023
Banri Ito, Ayumu Tanaka, and Naoto Jinji. Why Do People Oppose Foreign Acquisitions? Evidence from Japanese Individual-Level Data. Japan and the World Economy. 2023. 66
Banri Ito and Katsunori Shirai. Patent law harmonization and international trade. International Journal of Economic Policy Studies. 2023. 17. 289-306
"The Effects of Stronger Intellectual Property Rights on Technology Transfer: Evidence from Japanese Firm-level Data" (with Ryuhei Wakasugi). 2006年度応用経済学会春季大会. 2006
"Why Do Firms Shift their Overseas R&D to Upper Phase?: Evidence from Japanese Firm Data" (with Ryuhei Wakasugi). 日本経済学会2006年度春季大会. 2006
"The Effects of Stronger Intellectual Property Rights on Technology Transfer: Evidence from Japanese Firm-level Data" (with Ryuhei Wakasugi). Seminar at Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry in OECD. 2006