DISCRETE TIME SYSTEMS :The Design of a Discrete Time Model Following Control System for Nonlinear Descriptor System
電気学会技術報告 非線形制御系設計アルゴリズム
電気学会 1986
The Engineering Report of The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan :The Algorithm of Nonlinear Control System Design
The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan 1986
(株)昭晃堂 1985 ISBN:4785611510
Control Theory -Basic,Excercise,Program -
Company Limited Shoukoudou 1985 ISBN:4785611510
Design of MFCS for Nonlinear Discrete-Time with Disturbances
(2009 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation 2009)
Design of MFCS for Nonlinear Discrete-Time with Disturbances
(2009 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation 2009)
A Model Following Control System for Nonlinear Systems Descriptor Using Stable Assignment of Invariant Zeros
(The 7th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation 2008)
Design of Model Following Control System for Nonlinear System with Time Delays
(International Conference on Informatics and Control Technologies(ICT2006) 2006)
Stabilization Control by the Strict Linearization of Polynomial Form Nonlinear System
(The 6th World Congress on Control and Automation 2006)
2010/03 - 2010/09 Sociaty of Instrument and Control Engineers General affairs chairman of the 29th International Conference of Japan Society for Simulation Technology
2007/07 - 2009/03 計測自動制御学会 事業委員会委員
2007/07 - 2009/03 Sociaty of Instrument and Control Engineers member of project committee
2007/07 - 2008/11 計測自動制御学会 第51回自動制御連合講演会 実行委員長
2007/07 - 2008/11 Sociaty of Instrument and Control Engineers General Chairman of the 51th Association Conference of Automatic Control
2002/04 - 2003/03 日本機械学会 第80期評議員
2002/04 - 2003/03 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Councilor of the 80th Period
2000/04 - 2002/03 日本機械学会 東北支部商議員
2000/04 - 2002/03 The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Attendance Committeeman
1974/02 - The Academic Encouragement Award of The Institute of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers
所属学会 (9件):
, 日本機械学会
, 電気学会
, 計測自動制御学会
, Control and Information Engineers
, The Institute of Systems
, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
, Sociaty of Instrument and Control Engineers