Characterization for Particulate Matter in Bangkok Urban Atmosphere by Covariance Structure Modeling. Atmospheric Sciences and Application to Air Quality. 2003. pp.35
A Statistical Analysis for Identifying Emission Sources of Suspended Particulate Matter. Second Regional Conference on Energy Technology towards a Clean Environment PROCEEDINGS, CD-ROM. 2003. 5-010-O
Some extensions of the latent class model and their applications to the analysis of POS data. Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute 54th Session Contributed Papers. 2003. Volume LX Two Books Book2, pp.664-665,
Construction of Search Engine Site for Environmental Information Database
2001 -
1999 -
Construction of Statistical Education System on the Internet
1999 -
学位 (1件):
受賞 (1件):
1999 - 第7回情報教育方法発表会奨励賞
所属学会 (7件):
ISI International Statistical Institute
, 日本応用統計学会
, 日本分類学会
, IASE(International Association for Statistical Education)
, 日本行動計量学会
, 日本計算機統計学会
, 日本統計学会