2007 - 2011 International Input-Output Table of BRICs/former USSR/Russia
2000 - 2011 ロシアの経済成長と産業構造
2000 - 2011 Economic Growth and Industrial Structure of Russia
2006 - 2009 環境多様性を保全する開発
2006 - 2009 Sustainable Development protecting Divergence of Environment
1995 - 2009 ロシア長期歴史統計
1995 - 2009 Long-term Historical Economic Statistics of Russia
論文 (7件):
久保庭 眞彰. Considerations on New Rosstat Data on the Contribution of Russia’s Military Goods Sector to GDP Growth in Recent Years. BOFIT Policy Brief. 2016
久保庭 眞彰. Estimating GDP and Foreign Rents of the Oil and Gas Sector in the USSR Then and Russia Now. BOFIT Policy Brief. 2016
久保庭 眞彰. Soviet Foreign Trade Earnings Revisited. RRC Working Paper Series. 2016. 60
久保庭 眞彰. Decomposition of Gross Exports into Value-Added: an Alternative Accounting System. CESSA Working Paper. 2016. 1
久保庭 眞彰. "Russia’s Population Crises in the 1990s and in the Long Run,". in M. Kuboniwa and Y. Nishimura eds., Economics of Intergenerational Equity in the Transition Economies, Maruzen, Tokyo. 2006. 297-340
久保庭 眞彰. "Russia’s Population Crises in the 1990s and in the Long Run,". in M. Kuboniwa and Y. Nishimura eds., Economics of Intergenerational Equity in the Transition Economies, Maruzen, Tokyo. 2006. 297-340
International Perspectives on Financing Higher Education
Palgrave Macmillan 2015
Economics of Intergenerational Equity in the Transition Economies (共著)
Maruzen 2006
Economics of Intergenerational Equity in the Transition Economies (jointly worked)
Maruzen 2006
Inter-industry Supply and Use Tables in the Uzbek Economy (in Russian) State Department of Statistics of Republics of Uzbekistan (with I-O Section, State Department of Statistics of Republics of Uzbekistan)
Tashkent 2000
Inter-industry Supply and Use Tables in the Uzbek Economy (in Russian) State Department of Statistics of Republics of Uzbekistan (with I-O Section, State Department of Statistics of Republics of Uzbekistan)
Tashkent 2000
Can Russia’s Military Expansion be Impossible Mission Force for its V-Shaped Growth Recovery under Declining Oil Prices?
(48th National Convention of the Association for Slavic, East European, & Eurasian Studies (ASEEES) 2016)
Introduction to Recent Developments in Global Value Chains
(Invited lecture, Department of Economics, National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) 2016)
The Impact of Oil Prices on Oil-Rich and Oil-Poor Countries
(Invited lecture, Department of Economics, National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) 2016)
Estimating GDP of the Oil and Gas Sector in USSR then and Russia now
(Bi-annual conference of European Association for Comparative Economic Studies (EASES) 2016)
Decomposition of gross exports into value-added: an Alternative Accounting System
(International Input-Output Conference 2016)
2011 - 2013 Japan Association for Comparative Economic Studies President
2005 - 2007 比較経済体制学会 幹事
受賞 (4件):
2012 - 環太平洋産業連関分析学会 学術賞
2004 - ロシア自然科学アカデミー レオンチェフ褒章(メダル)
2003 - ロシア科学アカデミー中央数理経済研究所 名誉博士
2003 - Honorable Doctor (Dr. h.c.)
所属学会 (8件):
, 環太平洋産業連関分析学会
, 日本統計学会
, 比較経済体制学会
, Japanese Coral Reef Society
, Pan Pacific Association of Input-Output Studies
, The Japan Statistical Society
, Japanese Association for Comparative Economics