2002 - 2002 X染色体不活性化における機能的RNAと de novoメチル化酵素の相互作用
2001 - 2001 ゲノムインプリンティングドメインの構造・制御・進化
2000 - 2001 マウス胚発生におけるDNAメチル化の意義
2000 - 2000 ゲノムインプリンティングドメインの構造・制御・進化
1999 - X染色体不活性化の分子機構
1999 - Molecular Mechanisms of X-inactivation
論文 (60件):
Hidehiro Toh, Wan Kin Au Yeun, Motoko Unoki, Yuki Matsumoto, Yuka Miki, Yumiko Matsumura, Yoshihiro Baba, Takashi Sado, Yasukazu Nakamura, Miho Matsuda, et al. A deletion at the X-linked ARHGAP36 gene locus is associated with the orange coloration of tortoiseshell and calico cats. 2024
Rawin Poonperm, Saya Ichihara, Hisashi Miura, Akie Tanigawa, Koji Nagao, Chikashi Obuse, Takashi Sado, Ichiro Hiratani. Replication dynamics identifies the folding principles of the inactive X chromosome. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology. 2023. 30. 8. 1224-1237
Saya Ichihara, Koji Nagao, Takehisa Sakaguchi, Chikashi Obuse, Takashi Sado. SmcHD1 underlies the formation of H3K9me3 blocks on the inactive X chromosome in mice. Development. 2022
Ruka Matsuura, Tatsuro Nakajima, Saya Ichihara, Takashi Sado. Ectopic Splicing Disturbs the Function of Xist RNA to Establish the Stable Heterochromatin State. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. 2021. 9
Takashi Sado. Does XIST safeguard against sex-biased human diseases?. Molecular cell. 2021. 81. 8. 1598-1600