2000 - Syntheses of nanomaterials using supercritical fluids
1997 - 1998 熱水中での励起分子ダイナミクスの研究
1996 - 1997 非線形分光法を用いた中高密度流体中での溶媒和のダイナミクスの研究
1995 - 1996 流体の密度揺らぎと光解離反応のダイナミクス
1994 - 超臨界流体中での分子内電荷移動反応の超高速分光による研究
Chemical Reactions and molecular dynamics in supercritical fluids
論文 (215件):
Kaori Fujii, Atsuro Matsumoto, Yoshifumi Kimura. Excited-State Proton Transfer Dynamics of Cyanonaphthol in Protic Ionic Liquids: Concerted Effects of Basicity of Anions and Alkyl Carbons in Cations. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 2025. 129. 5. 1648-1661
Nana Tokumasu, Takeru Nakano, Shota Yoshida, Yoshifumi Kimura, Takatsugu Endo. Facile preparation of cellulose IVII using ionic liquids. CrystEngComm. 2024. 26. 40. 5777-5784
Shohnosuke Nomura, Kaori Fujii, Hiroaki Sugihara, Takatsugu Endo, Yoshifumi Kimura. Anion Effect on the Excited-State Intramolecular Proton Transfer of 4′-N,N-Diethylamino-3-hydroxyflavone in Ionic Liquids. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 2024. 128. 27. 6549-6559
Hiroaki Nakagomi, Nina Murayama, Rika Takegami, Kaori Fujii, Rio Kitakado, Yoshifumi Kimura, Mao Minoura, Haruyuki Nakano, Yoshihiro Matano. 2-Aryl-3H-1,3-Benzazaphosphole Oxides: Synthesis, Optical Properties, and Excited State Intramolecular Proton Transfer. Chemistry - A European Journal. 2024. 30. 33
Hiroki Sumida, Yoshifumi Kimura, Takatsugu Endo. Estimation of conformational entropy for ionic liquids from NMR spectroscopy. Chemistry Letters. 2024. 53. 2
Yoshifumi Kimura, Kayo Suda, Hirofumi Sato, Yoshiro Yasaka, Mako Shibuya, Masahide Terazima. Excitation wavelength dependence of the excited state intramolecular proton transfer reaction in ionic liquids. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 2014. 248
I. Kobayasi, M. Terazima, Y. Kimura. Study of the Excited-State Proton-Transfer Reaction of 5-Cyano-2-naphthol in Sub- and Supercritical Water (vol 116, pg 1043, 2012). JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B. 2012. 116. 25. 7604-7604
Yoshifumi Kimura, Masanori Fukuda, Kayo Suda, Masahide Terazima. Effect of the local environment on the proton transfer reaction in room temperature ionic liquids. ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 2010. 239
Masayoshi Nishiyama, Yoshifumi Kimura, Masahide Terazima. High-Pressure Microscopy for Modulating the Structure and Function of Biomolecules. BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL. 2010. 98. 3. 182A-182A
Molecular Dynamics and Chemical Reactions in Ionic Liquids Reflecting the Heterogeneous Structure
(36th International Conference on Solution Chemistry 2019)
Application of Ionic Liquids Composed of Formate Anion: Nano-particle Synthesis and Carbon Dioxide Absoprtion
(1st International Symposium of Soft Molecular Activation Research Center 2018)
, イオン液体研究会
, 分子科学研究会
, 溶液化学研究会
, 日本高圧力学会
, 日本化学会
, The Molecular simulation Society of Japan
, The Japan association of solution chemistry
, The Japan Society of High Pressure Science and Technology
, Chemical Society of Japan