Salsabila Aqila Putri, Euis Julaeha, Natsuko Kagawa, Dikdik Kurnia. The Potential of Secondary Metabolites in Medicinal Plants as Anti-Quorum Sensing in Biofilms: A Comprehensive Review. Journal of Chemistry. 2025
Salsabila Aqila Putri, Euis Julaeha, Natsuko Kagawa, Dikdik Kurnia. Phenolic Compounds from Ocimum basilicum Revealed as Antibacterial by Experimental and Computational Screening-Based Studies against Oral Infections. Journal of Chemistry. 2024
Dian Kurniati, Ryohei Umeda, Natsuko Kagawa, Eiji Goto, Ryo Wakabayashi, Kanae Shimada, Shizuka Hirai, Yukari Egashira. Protective effect of UV-irradiated red perilla (Perilla frutescens (L.) Britton) on carbon tetrachloride-induced liver injury in mice. Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry. 2022. 86. 7. 932-937
Toshikazu Suzuki, Mayumi Nagata, Natsuko Kagawa, Shiori Takano, Nahrowi, Jun Nomura. Anti-Obesity Effects of Matoa (Pometia pinnata) Fruit Peel Powder in High-Fat Diet-Fed Rats. Molecules. 2021. 26. 21. 6733-6733
Hong-jia Xu, Masafumi Johkan, Toru Maruo, Natsuko Kagawa, Satoru Tsukagoshi. New Insight on Low-K Lettuce: From Photosynthesis to Primary and Secondary Metabolites. HORTSCIENCE. 2021. 56. 4. 407-413
2018/08 - The Faculty of Technology, Mahasarakham University, Thailand, The First Prize for poster presentation, International Conference of Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology (ICoFAB) 2018, Effects of photosynthetic photon flux density and root-zone temperature on bioactive compound accumulation and growth of coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) in plant factory.
2016/11 - ELSEVIER 2nd Prize - Best Poster Award, The 1st Food Chemistry Conference, Quantitative chemical analysis of bioactive extracts from leaves of Perilla frutescens grown in a plant factory with different light intensities and nutrient levels.
2006 - Merck & Co., Inc. Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Synthetic Organic Chemistry 2006, Synthetic Studies Towards Strictamine.