研究キーワード (4件):
, 音声学
, English Linguistics
, Phonetics
競争的資金等の研究課題 (4件):
1998 - 時事英語の音声、時事英語の知覚と理解
1998 - The Perception and Understanding of Current Events
1990 - 発音における負の転移
Negative Transfers in Pronunciation
MISC (29件):
Sound Changes that Obstruct Accurate Perception in English - Differences between English Phonetics and Japanese Phonetics. ALAK - Applied Linguistics Association of Korea - Proceedings. 2004
The Recognition of Reduced and Assimilated English Sounds. Kanto-koshinetsu Association of Teachers of English Abstract. 2004
Ehime Maru, North Korea, and Iraq - Japanese Public Sentiment and Governmental Responses Regarding Foreign Affairs. Meikai Journal - Faculty of Languages and Culture. 2004. 16