KENRYO FU. Linguistic Landscape in an English-Speaking Community: A Case Study of the University District of Seattle. THE JASEC BULLETIN. 2023. 32. 1. 35-47
The English Curriculum for a Newly Established Professional College in Japan
(2021 Joint International Conference on English Teaching and Learning in Korea 2021)
A Study on the Semantic Change of the Contronym Dust
(日本英語コミュ ニケーション学 会2021年第1回関西地区研究フォーラム 2021)
2023/04 - 日本英語コミュニケーション学会 学術奨励賞 The Form and Meaning Asymmetry: Focusing on “Commencement Ceremony” and “Confidence Trick (The JASEC Bulletin Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 51-60.)