Kazuya Nakayachi, Ryosuke Yokoi, James Goltz. Human behavioral response to earthquake early warnings (EEW): Are alerts received on mobile phones inhibiting protective actions?. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 2024. 105. 104401-104401
Ryosuke Yokoi, Kazuya Nakayachi. Human Motivation in Competition against Artificial Intelligence: Using One-to-One Games. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. 2024. 1-13
James D. Goltz, Katsuya Yamori, Kazuya Nakayachi, Hideyuki Shiroshita, Takashi Sugiyama, Yu Matsubara. Operational Earthquake Forecasting in Japan: A Study of Municipal Government Planning for an Earthquake Advisory or Warning in the Nankai Region. Seismological Research Letters. 2024
Kazuya Nakayachi, Ryosuke Yokoi. Are more behavioral measures perceived as less effective against COVID-19?. Translational Issues in Psychological Science. 2022. 8. 3. 341-351