Analysis of the homodimeric structure of a D-Ala-D-Ala metallopeptidase, VanX, from vancomycin-resistant bacteria
(生体系磁気共鳴国際会議 ICMRBS 2024(ソウル) 2024)
Methods of uniform or site-specific deuteration of proteins and their applications to NMR analyses
(J-PARC Workshop 2022 Deuterium Science Entering a New Phase 2023)
Analysis of the homodimeric structure of a D-Ala-D-Ala metallopeptidase, VanX, from vancomycin-resistant bacteria
(The 7th International Symposium on Drug Discovery and Design by NMR第7回国際シンポジウム「NMR創薬」 2022)