J-GLOBAL ID:200901033932887995   更新日: 2005年01月27日

太田 聖子

オオタ サトミ | Ota Satomi
職名: 助手
研究分野 (1件): 流体工学
MISC (4件):
  • Study on Higher Resolution of Vorticity Layer over a Solid Boundary for Vortex Methods. The Second International Conference on Vortex Methods. 2001. 33-40
  • Study on Higher Resolution of Vorticity Layer over a Solid Boundary for Vortex Methods. The Second International Conference on Vortex Methods. 2001. 33-40
  • Numerical Simulation of Unsteady Flow around a Sphere by a Vortex Method for Re Number from 300 to 1000. The First International Conference on Vortex Methods. 1999. 73-81
  • Numerical Simulation of Unsteady Flow around a Sphere by a Vortex Method for Re Number from 300 to 1000. The First International Conference on Vortex Methods. 1999. 73-81
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