Akisue Kuramoto, Tsubasa Miwa, Akihiko Seo. Cumulative workload comparison between lifting routes of heavy lifting tasks from a biomechanical perspective. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics. 2024. 1-7
Kazuki Hiranai, Miho Yaji, Akihiko Seo. Evaluation of Force Exertion Strategies During Repetitive Lifting/Lowering Tasks Based on Time-Frequency Analysis. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. 2022. 223 LNNS. 155-161
Detection of Anomalies in Working Posture during Obstacle Avoidance Tasks using One-Class Support Vector Machine. 日本経営工学会論文誌. 2021. 72. 2E. 125-133
Atsushi Sugama, Akihiko Seo. Analysis of Postural Instability in the Upright Position on Narrow Platforms and the Interactions with Postural Constraints. Sensors. 2021. 21. 11. 3909-3909
Kazuki HIRANAI, Akihiko SEO. Evaluation of time-varying working posture based on interjoint coordination features extracted from sparse structure learning. Mechanical Engineering Journal. 2021. 8. 1. 20-00500
倉元 昭季, 平内 和樹, 瀬尾 明彦. 筆圧履歴に基づく筆記具の書字作業負担の比較に関する検討 (産業計測制御研究会 高度センサ情報処理技術とその応用)-Examination of workload comparison of writing instruments based on pen tip force data. 電気学会研究会資料. IIC / 電気学会産業計測制御研究会 [編]. 2020. 2020. 27・29-37・39-49. 15-20
Measurement of Functional Stability Limits in Squatting Position and the Estimation Technique Based on Considering Lower Limb Posture
(The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics 2022)
Effect of variation of task duration and work position on total endurance time of repetitive lifting task
(The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics 2022)
Evaluation of Force Exertion Strategies During Repetitive Lifting/Lowering Tasks Based on Time-Frequency Analysis
(Proceedings of the 21st Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2021) 2022)
, 日本機械学会
, 日本人間工学会
, 日本経営工学会
, Japan Society of Ergonomics
, japanese Society of Occupational Health
, Japan Industrial Management Association