Kenji Kondoh, Kiyoshi Matsubara. Protecting Brain Drain Versus Excluding Low-Quality Workers. International Trade, Economic Development, and the Vietnamese Economy, Essays in Honor of Binh Tran-Nam. 2022. 65-74
Cruise Tourism in East Asian Countries: Japan-Korea Comparison
(The 58th European Regional Science Association (ERSA) Congress 2018)
Endogenous FDI Spillovers with Spillover-Prevention Costs
(the 56th European Regional Science Association (ERSA) Congress in Vienna, Austria 2016)
Trading Company and Indirect Exports
(6th International Conference on “Economics of Global Interactions: New Perspectives on Trade, Factor Mobility and Development 2015)
, American Economic Association
, 日本国際経済学会
, International Economics and Finance Society Japan
, Econometric Society
, Canadian Economic Association