J-GLOBAL ID:200901040087711110
更新日: 2022年09月18日 中戸 祐夫
所属機関・部署: 職名:
その他の所属(所属・部署名・職名) (3件): 論文 (13件): -
中戸祐夫. 最近の朝鮮半島情勢-北朝鮮の戦略転換と今後の展望. 日本與亞太研究. 2019. 第3. 第1. 234-244
Sachio Nakato. Japan's North Korea Policy under the Abe Administration: The Stockholm Agreement and its Future Prospects. The Journal of International Relations. 2017. XXXXIV. 39-69
Sachio Nakato. North Korea’s Fourth Nuclear Test: System Pressures, Decision Makers’ Perception, and Foreign Policy. Korea Observer. 2016. 47. 3. 621-649
Japan-South Korea Relations in 2014: A Japanese View. Eurasia Cultura. 2015. 1. 61-82
Sachio Nakato. "Japan's Responses to the North Korean Nuclear Crisis: Responsive Engagement Perspectives,". The Journal of East Asian Affairs. 2013. 27. 1. 47-74
もっと見る 書籍 (12件): - “North Korean Unification Strategies: North Korea’s Strategic Culture and its Implications,” <I>One Korea: Visions of Korean Unification</I>
Ashgate 2016 ISBN:9781472476142
- "Northeast Asia: Regional Perspectives for the White Paper on Peace Building," White Paper Series 2015
The Geneva Peace Building Platform 2015
- "Costs and Benefits of Korean Unification for Japan," The Attraction of Korean Unification:Inter-Korean and International Costs and Benefits
Korea Institute for National Unification 2013 ISBN:9788984797512
- 『なぜリージョナリズムなのか』「アメリカ産牛肉市場開放の政治経済学--日韓の対応比較」
ナカニシヤ出版 2013 ISBN:9784779507717
- 『東アジア分断国家-中台・南北朝鮮の共生は可能か-』「関与(engagement)からみる韓国の対北朝鮮・統一政策の展開」
原書房 2013 ISBN:9784562049226
もっと見る 講演・口頭発表等 (40件): -
(トランプ政権の対外政策と北東アジアの国際関係 2019)
Unification of the Korean Peninsula and Japan
(Global Peace Convention: Internatinal Foruam on One Korea "Korean Dream: Vision for Unified Korea" 2019)
The Normalization of DPRK-Japan Relations
(2018 Global Peace Forum on Korea: Peace and Prosperity for Korea and the World 2018)
(朝鮮半島をめぐる国際関係と日本 2018)
Japan-ROK Security Relations with regard to the North Korean Nuclear Threat: Strategic Priorities Perspectives
(North Korea Behavior and Northeast Asian Situation 2018)
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