J-GLOBAL ID:200901041624117642   更新日: 2024年12月10日

大木 紫

オオキ ユカリ | Ohki Yukari
職名: 教授
ホームページURL (1件): http://www.kyorin-u.ac.jp/univ/user/medicine/physiol1/ohki/
研究分野 (1件): 神経科学一般
研究キーワード (12件): リハビリテーション ,  仮想現実 ,  経頭蓋磁気刺激 ,  脳波 ,  身体保持感 ,  機能回復 ,  手指運動 ,  ヒト ,  Motor learning ,  Cutaneous sensation ,  Finger movement ,  Human
競争的資金等の研究課題 (8件):
  • 2020 - 2023 多チャンネル脳波を用いた身体所有感の脳基盤の同定と介入法の開発
  • 2015 - 2020 脳内身体表現の変容機構の理解と制御
  • 2014 - 2019 脳内身体表現の変容を促す神経機構
  • 2011 - 2013 ヒトの運動制御とその機能回復のメカニズム
  • 2011 - 2013 脊髄介在ニューロンを使った運動機能回復の検討
論文 (45件):
  • Satoshi Shibuya, Yukari Ohki. Body ownership and the motor system: rapid facilitation of embodied fake hand movement on actual movement execution. 2024
  • Satoshi Shibuya, Yukari Ohki. Mu Rhythm Desynchronization while Observing Rubber Hand Movement in the Mirror: The Interaction of Body Representation with Visuo-Tactile Stimulation. Brain Sciences. 2023. 13. 6. 969-969
  • Satoshi Shibuya, Hiroki Oosone, Yukari Ohki. Tactile temporal order judgment during rubber hand illusion: Distinct modulation of the point of subjective simultaneity and temporal resolution. Consciousness and Cognition. 2022. 105. 103402-103402
  • Satoshi Shibuya, Satoshi Unenaka, Yukari Ohki. Predictability of Delayed Visual Feedback Under Rubber Hand Illusion Modulates Localization but Not Ownership of the Hand. Frontiers in Psychology. 2021. 12
  • Satoshi Shibuya, Satoshi Unenaka, Sotaro Shimada, Yukari Ohki. Distinct modulation of mu and beta rhythm desynchronization during observation of embodied fake hand rotation. Neuropsychologia. 2021. 159. 107952-107952
MISC (33件):
  • 中島 剛, 鈴木 伸弥, 小宮山 伴与志, 大木 紫. 運動機能再建を目指すヒト間接的皮質-脊髄路の機能とその賦活化. 日本運動生理学雑誌. 2018. 25. 1. 9-16
  • Yukari Ohki, Kazutaka Igarashi, Hideto Sano, Masahito Takahashi, Shoichi Ichimura, Kazuhiko Satomi, Satoshi Shibuya. Functional assessment of patients with cervical myelopathy by using target-reaching movements. NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH. 2011. 71. E242-E242
  • Satoshi Shibuya, Nobuhisa Momose, Toshimitsu Takahashi, Yukari Ohki. Predictive remapping of peripersonal space induced by prehension. NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH. 2011. 71. E363-E363
  • Yukari Ohki, Tsu-yosi Nakajima, Syusaku Sasada, Satoshi Shibuya, Hiroyuki Ohtsuka, Hiroyuki Futatsubashi, Tomoyoshi Komiyama. Corticospinal excitations from cortical arm area to human thigh muscles. NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH. 2010. 68. E373-E374
  • Satoshi Shibuya, Kazutaka Igarashi, Hideto Sano, Masahito Takahashi, Toshimitsu Takahashi, Jihene Sayadi, Kazuhiko Satomi, Yukari Ohki. DYNAMIC CHANGES OF SPATIAL ATTENTION DURING HUMAN REACHING MOVEMENTS. JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGICAL SCIENCES. 2009. 59. 370-370
書籍 (3件):
  • Characteristics of medullary neurons that drive bursters for horizontal rapid eye movements in the alert cat.
    Japan Scientific Societies Press, Karger 1992
  • Physiological and morphological properties of brain stem neurons related to vestibular and saccadic eye movements in the cat.
    Hong Kong University Press 1988
  • Functional organization of the horizontal vestibulo-oculomotor system in the cat brain stem.
    Hong Kong University Press 1988
学位 (2件):
  • 医学博士
  • 保健学修士
経歴 (1件):
  • 2012 - 現在 杏林大学医学部 教授
所属学会 (6件):
米国神経科学学会 (Society for Neuroscience) ,  日本神経科学学会 ,  日本生理学会 ,  Society for Neuroscience ,  The Physiological Society of Japan ,  The Japan Neuroscience Society
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