中村 浩一郎. Issues of the Rigid Word Order Restrictions among Topic Elements - Interface between Cartography and Information Structure. 日本英文学会九州支部第75回大会Proceedings. 2023. 19-20
Przemyslaw Tajsner and Jacek Witkoś eds., Word Order Matters: Current Issues in Syntax and Morpho-syntax (Crossroads and Interfaces: Studies in Linguistics and Literature, 44)
Peter Lang 2022
開拓社 2021
Fuzhen Si and Luigi Rizzi eds. Current Issues in Syntactic Cartography: A Cross Linguistic Perspective
John Benjamins Publishing Company 2021
On the Scopal Interactions between Japanese Focus and Topic Particles and Negation
(48th Austrian Linguistics Conference (ÖLT) Workshop "Current issues in syntax, semantics and pragmatics" 2024)
A Cartographic Investigation of Clitic Left Dislocation in Japanese
(International Workshop on Syntactic Cartography 2023 2023)
Structural Positions and Focal Stress Dictate Functions and Interpretations of Japanese Manner Adverbs
(SLE2023 Workshop 17 The Concept of Manner and Its Linguistic Realizations held at National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 2023)
, Societas Linguistica Europaea
, 沖縄外国文学会
, Generative Linguistics in the Old World
, 関西言語学会
, 日本英文学会
, 日本言語学会
, Linguistic Society of America
, 日本英語学会