An anthropological study of the Baka hunter-gatherers in the African rain forest
A Study on the Carrying Capacity of Africon Rain forest
MISC (9件):
The potential of edible wild yams and yam-like plants as a staple food resource in the African rain forest. African Study Monographs. 2001. Suppl. 26: 123-134
The potential of edible wild yams and yam-like plants as a staple food resource in the African rain forest. African Study Monographs. 2001. Suppl. 26: 123-134
Folk etiology among the Baka, a group of hunter-gatherers in the African rain forest. African Study Monographs. 1998. Suppl. 25: 33-46
Folk etiology among the Baka, a group of hunter-gatherers in the African rain forest. African Study Monographs. 1998. 25. 33-46
Food restriction on elephants among the Baka pygmies in the northwetern Congo (in Japanese). Reports of Liberal Arts Hamamatsu Umiuersity School of medicime. 1993. 7. 19-30
Multiple subsistence strategies and protein resources of horticulturalists in the Zaire Basin : the Gandu and the Boyela
Food and Nutrition in the Tropical Forest : Biocultural luteractions and Applications to Development. Unesco 1993
「ヒトの自然誌」平凡社 1991
The Baka in Northwestern Congo, Hunter-Gatherers Who Have Settled down.(in Japanese)
「Natural History of Man」. Heibonsha 1991