Shigeki Yamazaki, Mitsuharu Matsumoto. Object Identification Using Active Acoustic Sensing. Proc. of the second International Conference in Advanced Innovation on Smart Cities. 2025. In-Press
Tsubasa Ozawa, Mitsuharu Matsumoto. Development of a Computational Thinking Learning Tool Using a Railway Toy and Music. Proc. of 2025 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration. 2025. 715-721
Kodai Ochi, Mitsuharu Matsumoto. Verification of Self-Healing Ability by Plant Root Growth Achieving Plant-Symbiotic Robot Skin. Proc. of 2025 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration. 2025. 64-69
Kodai Ochi, Mitsuharu Matsumoto. Enhancing the rigidity of robot skin through the incorporation of plant growth. Artificial Life and Robotics. 2024
Junki Kawaguchi, Mitsuharu Matsumoto. Parameter estimation of a method for noise reduction fusing a normal microphone and a bone conduction microphone. Proc. of The International Conference on Intelligent Data Science Technologies and Applications. 2024. In-Press
2020/02 - Best paper award in 25th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics
2019/03 - 平成31年度学生表彰
2018/03 - 平成30年度目黒会賞
2018/03 - 平成30年度学生表彰
2018/03 - 平成30年度学生表彰
2017/11 - 計測自動制御学会 SSI 優秀発表賞 多様な変形が可能な折り紙型ロボットの検討
2017/03 - 平成29年度目黒会賞
2016/01 - IEEE Outstanding paper award in IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics
2013/03 - 平成25年度目黒会賞
2011/03 - 科学技術融合振興財団 第4回FOST熊田賞
2010/11 - Korea robotic society Best paper award in the 7th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence Korea
2010/10 - ICROS Outstanding paper award in International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems Korea
2009/11 - 日本エリクソン株式会社 エリクソン・ヤング・サイエンティスト・アワード 2009 Japan
2009/05 - Best paper award in the area of intelligent system in 2nd International Conference on Human System Interaction Italy
2008/12 - IEEE 3rd place award in the IEEE 2008 International Student Experimental Hands-on Project Competition via Internet on Intelligent Mechatronics and Automation