Mizuki Fukuda, Masaharu Ishikawa. Distinguishing 2-knots admitting circle actions by fundamental groups. Revista Matemática Complutense. 2024
Masaharu ISHIKAWA, Tat-Thang NGUYEN. Relative homotopy groups and Serre fibrations for polynomial maps. Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan. 2024. -1. -1
Ippei Ishii, Masaharu Ishikawa, Yuya Koda, Hironobu Naoe. Positive flow-spines and contact 3-manifolds, II. Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata (1923 -). 2023. 203. 3. 1251-1266
Ippei Ishii, Masaharu Ishikawa, Yuya Koda, Hironobu Naoe. Positive flow-spines and contact 3-manifolds. Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata (1923 -). 2023. 202. 5. 2091-2126
石川昌治, 古宇田悠哉, 直江央寛. Presentation of the fundamental groups of complements of shadows. Essays in Geometry: Dedicated to Norbert A’Campo. 2023. 557-588
Singularities-Kagoshima 2017 : Proceedings of the 5th Franco-Japanese-Vietnamese Symposium on Singularities
World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. 2020 ISBN:9789811206023
朝倉書店 2009 ISBN:425411124X
講演・口頭発表等 (115件):
On 2-dimensional knots in the 4-sphere invariant under circle actions
(Geometry and Dynamics in Low Dimensions 2025)
On 2-dimensional knots in the 4-sphere invariant under circle actions
(第50回変換群論シンポジウム 2024)
Atypical values at infinity of real polynomial functions of three variables
(Japanese Australian workshop on Real and Complex Singularities 2024)
Orbifold group による branched twist spin の区別
(Knotting Nagoya (結び目の数理セミナー ) 2024)
Circle actions on the 4-sphere and 3-orbifold groups
(International Conference "Singularities and Algebraic Geometry" 2024)